Broken Arrow cell phone repair : iPad Screen

iPad 2 Broken Screen – Digitizer Replacement Comprehensive Guide.mp3


Broken Arrow cell phone repair  Some of the bone doctors they wish they would have had to digitize or a place to come with me.

Hi guys this is what the doctors today I’m going to show you how to do an iPad 2 digitizer. It is actually a pretty hefty repair. So they should be able to help you out and successfully replace the screen on the iPad 2 as you can see. The device is on right now and we’re going to turn it off.

Definitely helps in doing the repair.

Broken Arrow cell phone repair  Couple things to point out. On the iPad you want to make sure that you have either a Wi-Fi or 3G version because there’s certain flexes that you’ve got to watch out for on the iPad. This one I hear has the SIM card tray so that’s going to be a 3G version and so that means there’s going to be a Fluxus up here up here by the camera that will have to watch out for only pillows the glass off. I want to watch out for that. Also in this corner right here are going to be your power flexes which control you or your vibrator switch your keys and your power button. That’s the most common thing ripped on the on the iPad 2 screen replied. So we’ll show you how to avoid doing that. And then down here in the bottom right hand corner next to the home button. It’s going to be the Wi-Fi flex which controls your wife. I will show you how to get the screen off of that wrapping that as well. First first off what we’ll do is we’ll keep the screen up by strike starting and hear the bottom of the corner and working my way up. There’s no flexes or anything of any kind that’s right here that we can that we can rip on this device. If my heat gun you can also get a hairdryer or you can go pick up by he gun at your local hardware store.

Broken Arrow cell phone repair  When heating this up is I want to hear you want to heat up nice and hot so you will separate the glass from the. Window. Frame. We also don’t want to heat up too much. We’re melting the plastic piece that surrounds. The street as well. We should keep this up nice and hot so that you’ll separate it nice and easy.

Usually when the screen is light and like it is now it’s not that hot or it’s not that broken. Well we’ll we’ll try to do is speed up tripping up on one piece of breaking any more. It definitely will save me some time when I pick on this screen.

I want to get between the block bezel and the glass. I’ll get in between there because I black plastic piece it is going to stay on on the device. I will not take that off.

We’re just going to pick the glass off and it’s really difficult to get this thing started but once you get started it is very very easy.

Sometimes I find that part of the. Back and for that I’m staying in one area because you don’t want Milton.

Broken Arrow cell phone repair  But if you keep keep rotating it it’ll keep that heat from staying in one area in there underneath the screen.

Once I get started I like to come with a plastic pick to kind of work it loose because a plastic pig is going to keep the glass from wanting to break but keep the metal pick the glass will want to crack and then separate and then the more and more you break the glass when you pull it up the just the more you’re going to cause it yourself as you see here. I’m going to get this plastic pick and I’ve got a push up so far up that I can see it here on the glass. I know that I’m getting all these heaps of loose and I worked my way up and around. Now right here is your digitizer flex cable which we can’t rip in and given this strange option we’re going to fold the screen this way we can’t rip.

This is not a huge field. If you’re if you rip it because I was going to replace the screen with new flex cables so I’m going to report that right now.

This is a string this coming up and see this is already broken right here so I’ll take advantage of it already kind of.

Pick up at it. There’s no flex cables on the side so we can be a little more living on the edge on this side of the device. It’s when we get to the other side is when we’ll have to be extremely cautious when we pick.

Broken Arrow cell phone repair  We’re picking up here.

You don’t want to dig down down towards the frame like this because there the city is done here and it’s you don’t want to break that or melt it.

It’s kind of working. I cracked it a little bit which I try to avoid doing because it’s going to cause us more work to do.

This is a little bit different from the. One. I’ve had one. With. Just one. Class. I. Think.

Challenging but. I think a very doable repair.

Here picking this course up here in the corner.

Broken Arrow cell phone repair  All right. As we pick up this corner here and bring our take back cross making sure that we’re basically all good to go.

We’re broken up here so now we can clean across the whole i-Pad So now we know that we’re broke. There were Rogie here so we can pull over to the side since we’re. This is free. Well we’re going to do is we’re going to heat up this section on each side of the camera not over the camera on each side because right up here are your 3G flexes which control the 3G service on the iPad 2.

So what I’ll do is. I will. Either. One side pick it up. And then. The side. Because. You. Know she sits. Around with him. So we have to worry about in the room with him. We’ll. Stay. As far away as. Possible. Don’t say too much because you can notify him. As. He.

Was. So get the.

Again that’s when you get it you know you just want to make sure you’re not picking up any fooks this kind of vended should come up pretty easy on how hot you’ll get it will depend it will determine whether the flex is going to be stick to the glass or stick to the bottom frame this time actually stick to the frame which is more ideal during this repair. Since we get that part up I’ll leave the pic in there so the glass can rest on that. I have this other side here. I would definitely recommend wearing some safety glasses because because it was glass so it can actually cause a blush when your high. And let’s be frank it doesn’t doesn’t doesn’t feel very good. Getting glass in your eye. So just be cautious on that. This side the flex that actually attached is sticking to the glass.

So you get to wiggle it in there to where you know that’s separating that very very very important.

If that’s what you don’t want to do. Not like a bad thing and just because you get more work with you you know break like that. And he threw a chip at the glass later on. Once we get the majority of the glass off go back in.


And that’s as far as I go right there don’t go any further than that because the parrot looks at it right here in the corner and I don’t want it to. To cut it or dissecting like that so and leave that alone for the time being. For me I’ve had around enough heat done here where you’re your wife flex is going to be it will work our way up.

And if you feel like this is a repair that you that you don’t think you can accomplish you know you can go to our Web site doctors dot com slash natural hair and you can actually send in the iPad and we can do the repair for you.

Broken Arrow cell phone repair  I want to see that chart is 139 plus $5 shipping back to you and we can do it very fast turnaround time and the same idea as the flex is pure You just want to get this glass peeled up and make sure that it’s the flex is not going to be attached to the glass here heated up just and just right for it to to to basically not be stuck to the glass when I start picking at it actually stuck to the back the bottom of the housing which is a very ideal as you see the device did power on I think the power button got pushed. So that’s OK. We can see that the damage is already broken we can’t turn it off. You hop it slide it which doesn’t do it. So I was trying to do you often.