
We are here to help! Our technicians have answered the most common questions about how to fix common problems with Amazon Kindle repair process. Depending on the device, mobile phone and tablet repairs can be a tedious process. Troubleshooting is a vital part of both diagnosing a broken part, and discovering what step was missed after repair.
Relax, we are here to make your life easier.
My phone is freezing, running slow, repair did not work, spazzing out! What can I do?
Soft Reset
Performing a soft reset can resolve issues like continuous resetting/rebooting, crashing, freezing, can’t make or receive calls, and other general software related problems. This process is similar to rebooting a computer after it freezes up. Phones are small computers after all.
This should not erase your data, but it is always a good idea to do a backup. With your device turned on…
- Method 1: Go to the page Settings. Then to menu in settings Restart. This works like a soft reset.
- Method 2: Press Alt-Shift-Up Arrow
- Method 3: Hold down the Power Button for 20 Seconds, then release.
Hard Reset
A hard reset can resolve issue like: blank or frozen screen, crashing apps, touch screen problems, no audio, random noises, no call functionality or sync errors.
**This process will erase all your data**, and erase any accounts linked to your device as well.
- Take off the back cover. There is a little hole between the SD card holder and the battery.
- Use something that will fit in the hole. A paper clip should work.
- Insert item into the hole, and hold down for 10 seconds. The Kindle will reset itself.
Amazon Kindle Fire HD Screen Replacement (Digitizer and LCD) (7 Inch) Troubleshooting:
The Amazon Kindle Fire HD Screen Replacement (Digitizer and LCD) (7 Inch) controls both your touch function and your main image display. If your top glass is broken, your touch function is unresponsive, or you have no image display, then this is the part you need. This screen comes with both your top digitizer and your lower LCD fused together for easy assembly.
- If your digitizer will not respond to touch at all, reattempt the repair, and make certain your cable was not crimped (folded too much). Crimping causes micro fractures in the thin metal inside a flex cable. Once this metal is cracked, power and other impulses cannot flow through the device.
- If only a select grid of icons will not work such as the top third, or left side, you may have a cable that is miss aligned. Open your device, and make certain all the connectors on the flex cable match up. If this plug is off center, you will see problems such as this called “blocking”. Blocking can also happen if either your digitizer cable, or your motherboard plug have missing or bent pins. These pins will need to be put back in place before your device will work again.
- If you have an all white or all black display, start by performing a soft reset on your device. Blank and white screens are usually a sign of the internal software not wanting accept the new parts. A soft reset will clear your device of any temporary data that is blocking your new part from working.
- Check to see if your screen’s back light is on. If there is no back light in addition to no display, your new LCD is not plugged in correctly. Reattempt the repair, and make certain your new part is fully installed.
- If you see blotches on your display, this is a sign that too much pressure has been applied to the LCD at some time. Open your device again, and make certain there is no residual glass from your original broken screen. After clearing your screen, disable your phones “Sleep mode”, and leave your device on a charger for 24 hours. The heat from a constant charge can cause the crystals inside your device to move back into place.
- If the troubleshooting does not work, or if your screen has lines down your display, then you may have a defective or broken part.
Amazon Kindle Fire LCD Display Screen Large Flex Cable Troubleshooting:
The Amazon Kindle Fire LCD Display Screen Large Flex Cable controls your main visual display. The LCD is found under the top touch screen glass. The digitizer is a separate component from your main LCD display. If your touch function is not working, or your top glass is broken, then you will need to replace your top digitizer as well.
- If you have an all white or all black display, start by performing a soft reset on your device. Blank and white screens are usually a sign of the internal software not wanting accept the new parts. A soft reset will clear your device of any temporary data that is blocking your new part from working.
- Check to see if your screen’s back light is on. If there is no back light in addition to no display, your new LCD is not plugged in correctly. Reattempt the repair, and make certain your new part is fully installed.
- If you see blotches on your display, this is a sign that too much pressure has been applied to the LCD at some time. Open your device again, and make certain there is no residual glass from your original broken screen. After clearing your screen, disable your phones “Sleep mode”, and leave your device on a charger for 24 hours. The heat from a constant charge can cause the crystals inside your device to move back into place.
- If the troubleshooting does not work, or if your screen has lines down your display, then you may have a defective or broken part.
Amazon Kindle Fire LCD Display Screen Small Flex Cable Troubleshooting:
The Amazon Kindle Fire LCD Display Screen Small Flex Cable controls your main visual display. The LCD is found under the top touch screen glass. The digitizer is a separate component from your main LCD display. If your touch function is not working, or your top glass is broken, then you will need to replace your top digitizer as well.
- If you have an all white or all black display, start by performing a soft reset on your device. Blank and white screens are usually a sign of the internal software not wanting accept the new parts. A soft reset will clear your device of any temporary data that is blocking your new part from working.
- Check to see if your screen’s back light is on. If there is no back light in addition to no display, your new LCD is not plugged in correctly. Reattempt the repair, and make certain your new part is fully installed.
- If you see blotches on your display, this is a sign that too much pressure has been applied to the LCD at some time. Open your device again, and make certain there is no residual glass from your original broken screen. After clearing your screen, disable your phones “Sleep mode”, and leave your device on a charger for 24 hours. The heat from a constant charge can cause the crystals inside your device to move back into place.
- If the troubleshooting does not work, or if your screen has lines down your display, then you may have a defective or broken part.
Amazon Kindle Fire Touch Screen Digitizer (Green Flex Cable) Troubleshooting:
The Amazon Kindle Fire Touch Screen Digitizer (Green Flex Cable) is the top glass of your device, and controls your main touch function. The digitizer is a separate component from your main LCD display screen. If you cannot see an image on your device, you will need to replace your LCD screen along with your digitizer. If your touch function no longer works, or your top glass is broken, then this is the part you need.
- If your digitizer will not respond to touch at all, reattempt the repair, and make certain your cable was not crimped (folded too much). Crimping causes micro fractures in the thin metal inside a flex cable. Once this metal is cracked, power and other impulses cannot flow through the device.
- Also check that all your cables are fully seated and plugged in. Flex cables that need to slide into position can easily come loose during reassembly.
- If only a select grid of icons will not work such as the top third, or left side, you may have a cable that is miss aligned. Open your device, and make certain all the connectors on the flex cable match up. If this plug is off center, you will see problems such as this called “blocking”. Blocking can also happen if either your digitizer cable, or your motherboard plug have missing or bent pins. These pins will need to be put back in place before your device will work again.
- If after all these steps your digitizer still does not work, you may have a defective or broken part.
Amazon Kindle Fire Touch Screen Digitizer (Orange Flex Cable) Troubleshooting:
The Amazon Kindle Fire Touch Screen Digitizer (Orange Flex Cable) is the top glass of your device, and controls your main touch function. The digitizer is a separate component from your main LCD display screen. If you cannot see an image on your device, you will need to replace your LCD screen along with your digitizer. If your touch function no longer works, or your top glass is broken, then this is the part you need.
- If your digitizer will not respond to touch at all, reattempt the repair, and make certain your cable was not crimped (folded too much). Crimping causes micro fractures in the thin metal inside a flex cable. Once this metal is cracked, power and other impulses cannot flow through the device.
- Also check that all your cables are fully seated and plugged in. Flex cables that need to slide into position can easily come loose during reassembly.
- If only a select grid of icons will not work such as the top third, or left side, you may have a cable that is miss aligned. Open your device, and make certain all the connectors on the flex cable match up. If this plug is off center, you will see problems such as this called “blocking”. Blocking can also happen if either your digitizer cable, or your motherboard plug have missing or bent pins. These pins will need to be put back in place before your device will work again.
- If after all these steps your digitizer still does not work, you may have a defective or broken part.
Your repair guide said my part is possibly defective or broken, what’s next?
- Contact your source for the parts to see what their warranty will cover.If your device is not covered, or is outside it’s warranty, we would be happy to help.
- If your parts came from Phone Doctors…
- Contact Us: our support team has additional information regarding a replacement.
- OR
- Mail in Your Device: our certified technicians will be happy to diagnose or repair your device.
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My touch screen digitizer is unresponsive. Does that mean I need to just replace the glass or both LCD and glass?
Thanks Rachel,
If your touch function is not working, then you will need to replace your top glass only. You should only need to replace your LCD if you have lost your image.
where in New Zealand can I send my Kindle to replace a dead (plain white now) screen? Please?
I love my kindle, but it is old. It seems like some of the buttons are sticking because they dont always respond.
My basic Kindle is fully charged, but will not switch on. Help!
Thanks Ann,
It sounds like your LCD has gone bad. Has your device been dropped, or come into contact with any type of liquid? If so, then your LCD has certainly gone bad, and replacing it should do the trick. Unfortunately, we do not have original Kindle parts at this time, but we can usually special order them in. Bring your device to one of our locations or mail it in, and a technician will be able to give you price estimates from there. You can find all the mailing information at: www.phonedoctors.com/mail
If your device has not been dropped or touched by water, you will want to contact Amazon, as some type of software error has developed.
Kindle on/off button is not working. Can it be fixed?
My first Kindle Fire had a problem, and now my second Kindle Fire (2G) is having the same problem. While I'm reading, the top and bottom "settings" appear for 1-3 seconds, then disappear. I have done a soft reset as described above which only sometimes "settles" it down, but it always happens again. When this happened after a year of owning my first Kindle Fire, Amazon was kind enough to exchange for a 2G Kindle Fire. It's been just a few days over a year, and the very same problem is happening again. Other than that, I ABSOLUTELY LOVE MY KINDLE FIRE!!!
Thanks Barbara Verley,
Glad to hear you love your device. The best we can find is that this seems to be a recurring issue with the original Kindle Fire devices. Most folks are reporting that this problem is not happening with the Kindle Fire HD, or the new HDX. Amazon fixed whatever is causing this to happen.
Apart from the soft reset, there is nothing else that can be replaced to make this go away. One suggestion is to back up all your information to a computer, and then restore your device back to factory default settings. From there you can reinstall everything back onto your device.
Software bugs can come from frequent use of different applications, and reinstalling them can sometimes make glitches like this go away. If this does not work, best suggestion is to keep using your device as is (since it is a good match for you), and then look forward to an upgrade. Christmas is less then 6 months away after all!
kindle fire, fully charged, will not turn on.
Thanks Norman,
You could have a broken screen, bad battery (since the device will not power on this is always a possibility), or a bad power flex cable (main power button). If you would like to open your device on your own to troubleshoot the problem, we sell the tools online. Otherwise, you can always mail in your device for a diagnostic check at: www.phonedoctors.com/mail
How do you know it is fully charged if you cannot turn it on? The charging port inside the kindle charging receptor could be pushed inside which will not allow it to charge may even create a short and again leaving a spotty or non charging plugged in kindle..also, your cable charger might be bent and again no power. So unless you are psychic if so please contact me immediately as the Superlotto jackpot is 468 million dollars and your abilities would come in quite handy, otherwise, sadly, if you are not, i think it might be a charging port issue, it does not take much to render this port trashed, or it could be a bent charger or charger cable. Those teeny tiny little cords are filled with macro fillament copper hair strands and it doesnt take much to render it useless....just like my teens..so take it to the place you bought it please sed customer service before you walk all the way into the store so you can get a im no crook sticker and talk to the people who work there they know their stuff and if they dont they will either direct you to someone who does or direct you to their geek squad. Dont do that, go find another cool person to talk to. Girls no offense are usually not about free advice and guys in age range 18 to 30 are cool about telling you the inside scoop on repairs. Even sales on or shhh other places to purchase the new port ...easy to tork those receiving ports because we jam the cord into those little ports the wrong way or we drop them or forget they are plugged in and walk away ripping the charging cord out or someone trips on our cord my favorite is when it falls ON the plugged in charging cord ..and the immediate barrage of swearing its just so arrrrgh. Good luck nerd namaste ?✌?
I have a problem with the right hand page forward. It occasionally won't turn the page or sometimes it jumps one or two pages. Anyone help with this.
Thanks Kerri,
Since it is working at times (all though spotty), it is doesn't sound like your hardware has gone bad. Try restoring your device back to factory default settings. This may correct the problem. If not, then you may need to get your outer digitizer replaced.
My old kindle lost the complete library, I am trying to reset or restart, but nothing happened, what else do I have to do.
seems that my port is stripped where the charger should be inserted. Can that be repaired?
Thanks Kelly,
Yes it can. This repair does require soldering, so if you don't have the tools for this repair on your own, most repair shops are situated to handle this. You can always mail in your device for one of our technicians to repair at: www.phonedoctors.com/mail.
thank you for your advice unfoftunately now the right hsnd page forward has stopped working altogether. Also I was going through my books on my tablet and have found 2 books I definitely did not order.When I look at my books on my kindle they are not there!! What is happening. The 2 books are chinese so I would not ever have ordered them. Can you help with that too.
Thanks Kerri,
This is a clear software glitch unless someone has gotten into your Amazon account.
Go online, and log into your Amazon account. Check for any signs of unusual activity. If something is up online, then your tablet will reflect the changes. If everything looks fine online, then your device may just have a software glitch.
At this point, you will want to restore your device back to factory default settings (instructions can be found in the blog above). If the reset does not work, then you may have something else going on with your device such as a motherboard failure, or liquid damage. We would then advise contacting Amazon for more information.
Thank you for your help will try your suggestions.
I have reinstalled the screen assembly and digitizer. I turn on the device and its white with black lines down the middle looks like a guitar. The screen changes little but mostly thick lines and does not respond to touch. It makes an audio tone after a few minutes, it just shutdown so I suspect that is telling me the battery is dead. I noticed where it reads the black and white lines indicate defective or broken part.
Thanks Shawn,
Yes, the lines are a sign of a bad LCD screen. Replace this, and you should be set. I wouldn't worry much about the power issue. Your probably correct in saying the battery is just low.
Try a new LCD screen, and you should be set.
Button between "Menu" & "Back" has cracked on my Basic old school Kindle- please advise how I can fix.
Thanks Kimberly,
Your best option here will be to contact Amazon directly.
The original Kindle is tough to find parts for at this time (due to it's age), but Amazon should be able to provide a good solution here.
8-8-18 I have the same problem at this time with a Kindle DX 2nd Generation. Contacted Amazon Support through Chat. I ended talking to 2 techies who both were very good PR people but were unable to solve my problem. Nor could or would put me in contact with any independent repair vendor My Kindle is still a problem!!
Hi I cant get my 3 year Amazon Kindle to re-charge. The problem appears to be the recharge connector within the kindle as the re-charge cable does not fully engage with the device . The fault is not in the re -charge cable as it connects and operates well with a different kindle. Looking for help and if required some idea of repair costs. Many thanks. Ian
Thanks Ian,
Our technicians can complete this repair, however it does require soldering to fix.
You are welcome to bring your device to any of our locations, or mail it in for repair at: www.phonedoctors.com/mail. For more information about repairs requiring soldering, we have a section under our mail-in repair page labeled "Special Services".
I have an original Kindle model number D00701 and there has been pressure applied to the screen and the LCD display is evident in large areas of the screen.
Is it possible to repair? Any suggestions?
Many thanks.
Thanks Trudi,
Your best solution will be to contact Amazon directly on this device.
As this is an original Kindle, it is difficult to find parts. Your best option will be any sort of assistance Amazon can provide.
Kindle 2 Can no longer turn off unit without losing the place I was reading. The unit changes to the "Tree with sliding bar" then the main page appears and I have to go back to the book I was reading and forward until I find where I was reading. Now I just leave it on but have to keep it plugged in to maintain battery life.
I have a kindle fire and when i applied light pressure, the screen turned into streaks. I took apart the kindle, including the motherboard. With the battery still plugged in and the back cover off, i turned it on and the streaks were gone. After I screwed the motherboard back in, the streaks appeared again.
Any fix?
Hi Michael!
You might have screws in the wrong place or they may be to tight. Try loosing them up a little.
Hi i have a problem with my kindle fire. I replaced the digitizer and LCD assembly front screen. but when i was connecting the digitizer cable to the motherboard connection the latch that you have to press down on to secure the cable in place broke on me. is there anyway i can fix this? any advise on this will be very appreciated.
Hi Hunter!
Yes that can be repaired. It is a solder which we offer as a mail in repair at this link ( ).
I have a Amazon Kindle that is about 4/5 years old although not heavily used over that time.
The screen script is faded and looks like it's breaking up making it unable to read giving it a jigsaw effect. The screen is not cracked or broken in any way.
I am on holiday at the moment in Spain so am unable to send it to repair.
I would like to know if this fault can be repaired or do I need to purchase another one.
Hi Rita!
Yes this can be repaired. Here is the link to mail it in ( ).
Sir ...i m having lg gw ....its front camera is not working....lines are coming i. Various colour.....should i bave to repair it...plz tell me its cost
Hi Manish!
We can absolutely do that repair for you. The cost would be 59.99 plus shipping I have included the link to make getting your device to me easier. Just click this link
I am having an issue, with my kindle fire HD, I think,. every time I turn it on it has nothing but lines going across the screen, and black at the top.
Is there anything I can do, if so please help.!
Hi Angel!
It sounds like you need a new LCD. We can replace that for you as a mail in repair. Just click on this link ( ).
Kindle Fire HDX fell between recliner and got crushed. There is a gash in the back of case. The screen is badly cracked. It does have a picture but the touch screen is none responsive. I got it far enough apart I can look in and see that I don't think there is any issue from the gash on the back. Do I just need a Screen or do I need the LCD screen also?
Thanks Eddie
Hi Eddie,
If the LCD still works then you should be able to replace the digitizer and that resolve your issues. We offer those parts at this link
I have a 3 year old Kindle DX (Graphite version). It will not turn on. Continues to show the "please plug in to charger page". Feel like the battery may be spent?? I can see batteries for it going on ebay. Can the batteries be replaced if one pulls it apart?
Hi Brenton
Yes the battery can be pulled apart and the battery replaced. If you would like a certified technician to do the repair we offer a mail in repair at this link
Hi. Hopefully you are still taking questions on the original Kindle Fire. It's a great little tablet and I loved it so much but wound up buying something new over something that is probably an easy fix. The best way I can describe it is that the touchability has gone wonky. It doesn't always respond to touch and certain keys, like the e, will pop up a whole line of other choices when all I really want is an e. I am unable to type anything with the keyboard. If I load a book, the pages flip in multiples and I lose my place. I have tried resetting to factory default and no change. Is this fixable by replacing the top glass?
Looking forward to hearing back from you.
~ Denise
Hi Denise
Replacing the Digitizer ( Top Glass ) would be the first thing I would do. From what you describe that is what it sounds like to me. You can order the part at PHONEDOCTRS.com
I have a Kindle Touch. I can no longer use the store to purchase books. The store will no longer download. How can I fix it?
Hi Bonnie
The First thing that I would try is to reset the device back to factory and then set it up like new. When you put your account on the device you should be able to see all of your books and purchase them too.
I have a Kindle Fire HDX 8.9 with a cracked screen. The picture is still great, but the crack runs lower left to upper right and half the screen does not respond to touch. What part do I need to order? I'm hoping it's just the glass screen and not the LCD display? Also, I'm confused as to which I need to order if that is the problem - 71 pin or 90 pin and what is the difference? Please help!
Hi Caroline
Yes you only need to replace the digitizer (Top Glass). From every thing that I have found for your device you need the 71 pin. To make sure you get the right one I would remove the broken digitizer first and look at the connections. You can go to PHONEDOCTORS.com and order anything you might need. we also order a mail inn repair which a certified technician will do the work for you and you have the security of knowing your device will work when you get it back and that it comes with a 180day warranty on part and labor. Just click on this link to get started.
Thank you! You just made my day!
For whatever reason,my Kindle paper white has got scrape marks over a third of the screen.What can I do.
Hi Ronald
Well if it is scratches on the glass I would recommend a screen protector for your device. This will help hid the scratches and prevent new scratches.
I smashed the glass in my Kindle Fire HD 7. I ordered and received, as separate parts, a LCD and touchscreen. When I first hooked up the LCD, it worked fine. But then when I went to fit the touchscreen, only half of the LCD screen displayed, and the other half of the screen went dark. Both parts fit together and to the rest of the device. If you send me your e-mail address I can send you a photo of the half screen.
Hi Joseph
I have seen this before what has happened is some how the connection has come loose or you changed the LCD without disconnecting the battery and have shorted something damaging the LCD. If you would like a certified technician to look at your device we offer a mail in repair service at PHONEDOCTORS.com
Fire HD 7" 2nd gen
The screen only has color lines (think old school TV when the stations were about to go out). :) I can no longer see anything else on the screen, or do anything. Should I just replace the digitizer, or do I also need to replace the LCD? ty
Hi Karissa
You will have to replace the LCD. If the digitizer is not broken I would not replace that.
many thanks!
Thank you for responding so quickly to my inquiry.
Two questions:
(1) What "connections" are you referring to in your answer?
(2) When the replacement LCD was first hooked up, it worked fine. Only some time later, after we received the touchscreen part, did we notice that the LCD screen was half screen. If failure to disconnect the batter when replacing the LCD is the cause, would it have taken some time for a short to develop in the LCD, or would the failure have been immediate. BTW-the LCD continues to display half screen, even after the new touchscreen is removed, so it seems unlikely the LCD half screen is related to the touchscreen. Thanks for your counsel. Joseph A. Guthrie
I have a old kindle 5-6 yrs old. I dropped it and how the screen has a pie shaped picture on it. I can not get it off. Is it done for or can I do anything to fix it? The screen has diagonal lines on the top right to lower left side.
Hi Karan
Your device is fixable you will just need get get a new screen installed on your device. It sounds like the LCD is broken. We offer a mail in repair at PHONEDOCTORS.com
please help. my husband and I were looking at a document ony fire HG 2nd Ed. it went blank when I turned it on, there r 8 icons and it is asking me to start over. everything is gone. I have a ROOTKIT hacker on my comps. but I didn't have the wi-fi on. please help. I've got some important documents on it.
Hi Susan
It sounds like you have rooted your device? I will need a little more info to help. Did the device go blank because the battery died? Did it just shut off?
Looks like maybe a piece of USB broke off in my Kindle Paperwhite 2nd generation is this fixable? Now my kindle won't charge. I have documents on it that are special. Can this be repaired ? Thank you
Hi Barb
Yes this is fixable go to PHONEDOCTORS.com and click on mail in repair and we will bring new life to your device.
Hi i did a repair on the outter glass on my kindle fire hd6 after touchscreen got damaged/smashed but the kindle is not responding to touch anywhere on the screen with new glass, could this be a faulty replacement part or something more would you reckon? thanks, Richard.
Hi Richard,
It could be a faulty part or the connection was not made correctly. When connecting the digitizer you should feel a snap when it is seated into place.
it seats into place ok but still wont work, i have notified the seller the part must be faulty, thank you for taking time to reply, Richard.
How much is a new screen? Why is it that the touch screen on upper half would quit working? Also I use my kindle for everything and there seems to be an indentation in part of it. How do you take the back cover off?
Hi Lisa
The cost of repair depends on the model. You remove the back cover by getting between the cover and plastic frame the glass sits in with a guitar pick and gently pry towards the back of the device.
Hi, I have a first generation Kindle ereader from the olden days. The screen shows empty battery. I did try to charge it several times, both with the charger that came from it and another charger from another first gen Kindle. I charged for at least 30 minutes. I also unplugged it and slid & held the power switch for at least 15 seconds. I noted that the power light never appeared. I checked the battery, but it seemed to be in place. Not sure what the fix is. Can you help? Thanks
Hi Jon
Well more than likely you need a new battery but you could have a bad charge port also.
I have a Kindle HD and the screen is black. I have sound. Any ideas or things to try would be greatly appreciated
Kindle Paperwhite failed to turn on properly, it stuck at the image normallyseen only briefly before displaying my current book.
I did the 're-set' proceedure holding down the power button and it began re-booting butstuck at the screen with a silhouette of someone sat undera tree and won't move from there.
It's fully charged.
I've tried holding down the power button for over a minute to be sure, sometimes te screen flickers briefly as if it's going to do something but never actually does.
Amazon 'customer service' offered me a reconditioned model as replacement but only if I want the 3G version - which I don't.
Is there any alternative to just buying another??
Hello Stuart,
Thanks for your comment.
We've done some research into this for you. Apparently others have experienced a similar issue described as “Stuck on tree screen.” When a device is stuck like this, on the image it shows when it first turns on, it is commonly referred to as a “Boot Loop”.
A few of those users have contacted Amazon, which has offered to replace their device at a reduce price.
Another user was reporting success after leaving the Kindle plugged into a charger over night. This would resolve an issue which might be caused by a failing battery. Amazon has replacement battery kits available from $30 to $50.
Depending on the exact generation of the Kindle Paperwhite, you would be able to replace the device with a brand new previous generation model around $55 and the newer generation model around $120.
Thank you
Matt J.
Customer Service
I have a kindle fire hdx, was working fine last nite,,, got up 5/6 hours later, unplugged it from charger, as it was fully charged,, i was able to do a few things, then it went to black screen... i did a hard shut down as the home button nothing was working... it shut off, about 5 mins later i turned back on, popped up lock screen, i went to unlock it, black screen again,,, shut it off once again at this point i had to go to work. When i came home for break, 6 hours later, the device came on!! I went to fb, scroll down alittle, then i placed kindle down, shortly after black screen occurred again grrrr!!! But this time it wont come back on :( i contacted amazon and of coursevthey just offer a discount on new device,,,is there any way to fix this issue? This kindle has been in case since day one, no drops, no marks!! Please help
Hey there Delta Gerard and thanks for the question.
I did a little bit of reading about this particular device and an issue with the "Black Screen". A lot of users are reporting success when this problem occurs after plugging it in for a second to charge. They say that it seems like plugging the device in for a moment can jolt it back to life and allow the buttons to respond. It sounds like an issue with the way the device was manufactured which would explain why Amazon has offered discounts on new devices as opposed to offering replacement Kindle Fire HDX's.
If plugging the device in every couple of minutes to get it responsive isn't going to work for you, then I would see about redeeming one of those offers from Amazon to replace this device with a discounted newer one.
I hope my suggestions have been helpful,
Matthew Jones.
I have a Kindle Fire HDX.
It is in an infinite boot loop.
Tried holding down power button 40 sec. as per Amazons suggestion.
No change.
Can you help?
Thank you
I have been attempting to read if there is a HARD RESET for this device. This would erase the device and take it back to factory default settings. This would be what I would shoot for to get this device un-bricked and out of the infinite boot loop you are experiencing. Search the web for HARD RESET Kindle HDX.
Thank You,
Doug B.
I have an old kindle and love it, but the lamp has quit working. Can it be fixed somehow? (It is not a Kindle Fire)
Hello there Kay and thanks for the question.
I've done some research and asked a few of our technicians. This device does have an LED back lamp. The back lamp is not replaceable on this device. The best recommendation that I can come up with is to seek a replacement of this device.
It looks like Amazon has an assortment of Kindle ebook readers now. If you are still interested in one with the E-Ink display that does not run Android I believe those devices are available for well under $100.
I hope these suggestions have proven to be helpful,
Matthew Jones.
Kindle model : D01200
My Kindles screen is ghosting. One page running into another, and getting faded out .
What do I need to do to fix this problem.
Hey Randall thanks for your question.
If the screen on this device is exhibiting issues like Ghosting then the best recommendation I can make is to replace either the screen or the device itself. (Some of the E-Ink readers are $60.)
I can also let you know a little about the way E-Ink readers work. They rely on positively and negatively charged ink which can be attracted away from or repelled to the screen. If you can imagine an Etch-A-Sketch then thats basically the same principle. (As the magnet travels across the surface, it will pull pieces of black tinted iron to the surface. When you wipe the screen clean you pass a magnet under the screen and pull the tinted pieces of iron back away from the front.) E-Ink, just like an old Etch-A-Sketch, can actually have issues with certain cells being stuck on or off.
You may also see the images fade out and sort of shift into each other. This is actually the way the device is intended to operate. Of course, if the image ghosting you are talking about is not just temporary, or does not dissipate shortly after turning the page, then it might indicate an issue with the Display on that device.
I hope my comments have been helpful,
Matthew Jones.
Hello Randall, It is unfortunate to hear about your the screen ghosting. If this device is fairly new I would strongly recommend getting in contact with amazon: 1-888-280-4364 to see if the device is under warranty. If they say the device is not eligible for a replacement, the next step would be to replace the LCD in the device.
Best luck
Robin B.
I set my Kindle fire HD 10' down I've only had it for 3 days and it looks like the top corner of the screen cracked on the inside so now the whole screen is fuzzy. Please note I did not drop or mishandle in anyway
Hello Amber and thanks for your question.
From what you are describing, the top corner of the screen on the inside being cracked and distorting the images, it sounds like the best resolution would be to replace the screen on this device. I know that we do offer this repair at our PHONEDOCTORS® Locations. We can also offer this repair as a Mail-In service. Just visit www.phonedoctors.com and click on the "Mail-In" link at the top of the page.
I hope my suggestions have been helpful,
Matthew Jones.
I need the cost of replacing the USB charging port for a 1st or 2nd generation Kindle Paperwhite.
Hello Mr. Walker,
We're sorry to hear that you are having problems charging your Kindle Fire Paperwhite. The Kindle Paperwhite series e-reader utilizes a charge port which is soldered directly to the motherboard. With that being said I strongly recommend contacting Amazon Customer Service as they can offer an out of warranty replacement on that device. This is the best resolution I can recommend for the charge port issue you are experiencing.
Thank you,
Robin B
I have a Kindle Fire (Kindle Fire HD 7", Dolby Audio, Dual-Band Wi-Fi, 32 GB - Includes Special Offers (Previous Generation - 2nd)) that constantly reboots. After the initial/normal Kindle Fire screen clears, it gets black and white moving stripes and reboots until it runs the battery down. I'd love to have this unit working again - please help!
Thanks so much!
Hello Rhonda,
Sorry to hear about the kindel fire rebooting screen issues. From the issue you are describing it sounds like the software internally is having an issue. Software issues can stem from a number of root underlying problems. My recommendation is to reset the device under settings. if the issue is still persisting then I strongly recommend contacting: AMazon Customer Support to see if they can help any further.
Best wishes
Robin B
I have a kindle fire hdx 3rd gen.. When I first turn it on it is like invisible fingers are tapping or swiping randomly? After about fifteen minutes it settles down and I can use it but the center (t area) is dead. Any advice?
Hello Drapeta,
From the issue you are describing the device may be experiencing some kind of issue with the Digitizer. The Digitizer is the component which detects where you place your fingers. If the digitizer is not responding properly, you will experience things like "Ghost Touches" or the tapping/swiping without anyone touching it.
The best resolution that I can propose for this device is to replace that Digitizer.
I hope my suggestions have been helpful.
Matthew Jones.
Hi my kindle paper white has lines running all over the screen but it's not cracked. The backlight is also flashing on and off and it won't reset what should I do.
Hello Paige,
Sorry to hear about that Kindle paper white. Given the issue you are describing, it sounds like that device has gone on to it's last leg. With that in mind the Kindle Paper white cost effectively, is now considered to be a unit you replace. My recommendation is to replace that Kindle.
Thank you
Robin B.
Help...I have a Kindle Paperwhite model DP75SDI. It is frozen on a page from a book. I tried to charge it. The light stays amber and never shows green (fully charged). I thought it was the battery, even though the Kindle is only 2 weeks over a year old. I replaced the battery and have tried to charge and reset it by holding the power button in for the suggested 40 seconds. No response. I really like my Kindle and want it to work. Please help.
Hello Donna
We are sorry to hear about that kindle paper white. From the issue you are describing it sounds like your device has undergone a critical software bug. This can be caused by a number of issues, from something simple like a virus, to the motherboard failing. In this case I strongly recommend replacing this unit to remedy this issue.
Thank you
Robin B.
Evening I just replaced my daughters screen in her Fire, now with the back on the unit the left side of the screen isnt responding to touch. If we pop the back off its responding to touch. I have rechecked all connections and I am stumped. What do you think?
Hello Catherine,
Sorry to hear about that Kindle fire. It sounds like there is a grounding issue with one of your cables. Normally when the device has issue touching when the back is off, and not when it is on points to a pinched cable. When a cable get pinched it can ground certain sections of the digitzer, that will cause them to stop touching. Making sure that all of you cables are not overlapping or pushing on the digitzer cable should remedy the issue. In the off chance the device is still not touching after checking the cables. I would strongly recommend that you check back housing of the device and see if possibly one of the stands have been pushed out of the way. If that is the case that maybe causing your issue as well.
Hope it helps
Robin B.
Hi I love my kindle fire, but I am not able to recharge it. It is about 3 years old so I don't know if it can be repaired. Thank you.
Hello Patsy,
Sorry to hear about the issues with the Kindle Fire. The charge port is a common issue with this style of Kindle. For this particular device, Amazon has the prices set so low that it is generally a lower cost option to replace the device completely than it is to repair this device. The charge port repair is possible, however, it is also a delicate repair which will generally cost around $60. This also carries the risk of the device becoming damaged as a result of the repair and ultimately requiring the device be replaced. The average cost of a brand new Kindle Fire from Amazon is $49.99. This is something to consider.
Hope my comments prove to be helpful.
Thank you,
Robin B.
My Kindle Fire screen goes blank, but when I push down on the screen at certain points around the edge and hold it, the display comes back. As long as I hold down the edge of the screen, it stays good, just disappears again when I release the pressure. My hand just gets tired doing this for a long time while I'm reading. Any easy fixes and would a new screen even help?
Hello Kristy,
We are sorry to hear about that Kindle fire. It sounds like there is a grounding issue with one of your cables. Normally when the device has issue touching when the back is off, and not when it is on points to a pinched cable. When a cable get pinched it can ground certain sections of the digitzer, that will cause them to stop touching. Making sure that all of you cables are not overlapping or pushing on the digitzer cable should remedy the issue. In the off chance the device is still not touching after checking the cables. I would strongly recommend that you check back housing of the device and see if possibly one of the stands have been pushed out of the way. If that is the case that maybe causing your issue as well.
Hope it helps
Robin B.
Hello, Amabile
Sorry to hear about that Kindle issue you are having. From the problem you are describing it sounds be that possibly your battery or charge port maybe be what giving you trouble. I recommend try to clean the charge port with an old toothbrush if you have one possibly even dipping it in some high grade rubbing alcohol may help the device out. If not it is possible that it is time to replace this device
Hope it helps
Robin B.
Hey my kindle has gotten very hot I think I slept on it and I sat it down on the floor to cool and all it does is glow and it won't go to the lock screen what shall I do
Hello James,
Sorry to hear about that overheating issue you are having. From the problem you are describing it sounds be that your device maybe having board issues. given that you may want to contact amazon about this issue to see if customer support could help sort this out. If not it sounds to be that due to your overheating issue one of your digitzer components may have failed. Replacing the device would be my next recommendation.
Hope it helps
Robin B.
My Kindle Fire 7 dropped unexpectedly and now the screen goes white and has multiple lines across of it. Is there anyway I can fix it by myself at home? And what is soft repair, how do I do it?
Hello Isabelle and thanks for the question.
From what you are describing, the LCD on that device was damaged in that drop. This is something you can fix at home but, I have a feeling that "Fix at home" means more "fix at no cost" than it does about where the repair can be done. The best recommendation I can make would be to replace the display on this device. That should resolve the issue. As I said, replacing the display can be done at home but, of course a new display will carry a price.
I hope I was able to answer your question.
Thank you,
Matthew Jones.
Hi, I have a weird issue on my Kindle Fire HDX 8.9 3rd gen. It was working fine and the issue just started with nothing being done to it. After unlocking the screen the home screen blinks. It does not display any graphics, except the top menu, and "no recent items in the middle. Then it blinks into a gray screen, and it just goes in a loop. I can't touch any of the menu buttons, when they are visible, however I can swipe down, and at that point I can access everything. I can access settings, mayday, etc. I can access books, silk browser, amazon videos and so on, but I need to use the search function as no icons are displayed. For example to use silk I need to type silk in the search and then touch the icon. Done numerous soft resets and factory resets, nothing helps. Amazon only offers a discount on replacement, as their extend of troubleshooting ends at factory reset. They say it's most likely hardware, I think it maybe software related, since it's only the home screen that's affected. Kindle can be used, but it's very inconvenient. Any ideas?
Thank you,
Hello Peter and thanks for your question.
I'm not sure if this is the same Peter who reported that "Unregistering the device with Amazon caused the menu to reappear."
To be honest, the issue you described here has both me and my technician confounded. It sounds like an issue with the software but, if you've reset the device multiple times that usually fixes issues with software. Do you know if you flashed the device back to its Stock ROM? This usually requires placing the device into Download mode and installing the software from a computer. If you have not attempted this, attempt this type of restore and see if that resolves your issue.
If not, I would recommend you seek out a replacement for this device.
I hope my comments have been helpful.
Thank you,
Matthew Jones.
Hello. I have a Kindle Fire Hd 7In Second generation. I've had it for over 3 years. A few months ago I shut it off and when I went to turn it back on it had a green haze (hue) on the screen. Touch still works. Eventually the green faded out (within about 30 min) but now it doesn't go away at all. Everything still works but I can't get past the screens issues. I am curious if it can be fixed or if I would be better off getting a newer one. I love the basics of it and seems that now you can get tablets and e readers. Nothing quite like the one I have. Thoughts?
Hello Sumer and thanks for the comment.
From what you are describing, it sounds like the LCD on that device might be failing. When the screens start having issues displaying the images they are supposed to they can generally be replaced and keep that device up and going. Now I know that the Kindle Fire device fairly inexpensive and generally speaking, I charge $40-$60 to install most parts. I also know that these LCDs generally run in the neighborhood of $50-$60. I know you can buy a brand new Kindle for around $100 so that is something to consider when thinking about repairing this device versus replacing it.
I hope my comments have been helpful.
Thank you,
Matthew Jones.
Interesting thing I found today. If I deregister the Kindle from Amazon, the home screen and the icons come back...
Hello Peter and thanks for the comment.
That is interesting. I wonder what having the device unregister caused to allow it to respond normally. If it was something software based on the Kindle then you may try Restoring the device to factory defaults to resolve other issues.
Thank you,
Matthew Jones.
My kindle fire hd is getting more advanced solid black around the edges. If this continues it will be blocking the print on reading downloaded books. Is there something I can do to clear this up?
Hello Linda and thanks for the question.
From the issue you are describing, solid black around the edges of the LCD, it sounds like the best resolution would be to seek out a Screen Replacement. It sounds like the LCD could have either some damage which is causing this issue or possibly have a faulty part which is causing the problem.
I hope my suggestion has been helpful.
Thank you,
Matthew Jones.
Hi i just replaced the lcd and touch screen (one part fused together) reassembled but the screen will not light up or turn on. No lights up top when plugged in to charge.
Have taken apart several times nothing i try fixes it. All cables attached correctly. When i plug into computer my computer beeps and recognizes a kindle is plugged in.
I am thinking i got a bad part but the lack of charging lights has me concerned. It worked before the repair but the glass was severely damaged hence the repair.
Was fixing this device for a friend and now feel terrible as i have to return to him non working.
The device is a kindle fire d025. I've tried reseting by holding the power button down for 30 secs and using a tack to press the reset hole above the camera.
Please help thank you
Hello Chris and thank you for your comment.
From what you've described you appear to be having issues getting your Kindle Fire D025 to display after having replaced the LCD and Front Glass / Digitizer. I hope that the issue is with the connections to the display but it sounds like you have plugged them in several times so this is usually the best way to resolve that issue. If you are unable to get the original display to show now, there could be a component that received damage on the motherboard. If that is the case then I would recommend you seek a replacement device from Amazon. (The Kindle Devices are generally sold by Amazon at a Loss, meaning it costs more to produce the Kindle than Amazon sells it for. They do this because they sell books and apps so the device is sort of a tool to leverage their stores. They'll make it back with smaller sales.)
I hope this has answered your question.
Thank you,
Matthew Jones.
OK. My Kindle was working fine this morning. I plugged it in, as usual. Within an hour or so, it recharges. This time it has been on the charger all day. I have checked the cable: no crimps, twists, bends - ever! It is the original charger and cord that it came with. I have held down the power switch for 20 seconds and waited. Nothing. I am just a sweet, little old grandmotherly type lady. I am not in the least bit a techie. I love my Kindle Fire. Have I loved it to death?
My kindle paper white will no longer connect to any wifi. I put the address and password in and it still doesn't find it. Can this be fixed?
The sound has gone out on my kindle fire HDX . Every now and again it would make a broken up sound and stop. Now it doesn't make any noise at all. I've checked the levels to make sure it hasn't somehow turned itself down, but all the levels show up. Please advise.
Thank you
When I came to use my six years old kindle all I had was a blank screen. I put it on charge and got v the kindle tree but nothing works when I try to charge it the light goes out after 5secs help
I have just changed the battery on my kindle paperwhite and now the back light doesn’t work any ideas
the screen cracked and we replaced it. not the unit only has a white bar when charged and won't do anything else
Where is the reset button located on Kindle Model # x43z60?
Problem: Screen froze up screen went blank then came on & then went off again leaving a blank white glowing screen. Unable to access any content. Battery fully charged. Device won't turn on. Will doing a reset solve the problem?
I just replaced my Amazon fire 5 Gen LCD, now after I put it back together the screen is now dark as if the brightness was turned down, I can still see a little and verified the brightness is right where it needs to be. Am I missing something?
My amazon fire has somehow gotten a cracked screen that I can only see when the tablet is on. When I turn it on, the tablet lights up on corner and flickers between images strangely and the rest is black. Can you help with this?
Friend gave me an older amazon kindle. Don't know how old it is model number is D00701. The scroll down buttons do not work, everything else works fine. Is it fixable and if so even worth it?
I have a Kindle 4.1.3. It stopped working altogether, I recharged it and hit Restart. It appears to be working but is not connected to Wifi. How can I reconnect it please?
I am 86 and struggle with allthings digital
Wife dropped her Kendall fire. Screen didn't break. When turned on it has a fog on the outer edge of the screen.
We have a cracked screen on both a kindle HD 7 and anHD 8. What would it cost to send them for repair?
I have a new kindle hd 10.. it is loaded with 100 documents which are words and cords to songs.. they are in alphabetical order. when I find a song to play .. say fire and rain ,, when finished I close that song out and go back into documents to find another song,, my Documents always return to the top of the list .... my question is , is it possible loop the documents or stay in the f's on my list and switch to any song ... what i'm trying to do is not return to the top of the list everytime I look for a new song... hope this doesn't sound wired
My 23rd generation kindle will not update from 3.4 to 3.4.2 is it possible?
My kindle stopped working the other day.Irecharged the battery and pressed restart. It appears to be working OK except that it is not connected to the wireless network although two other family kindles are. It simply states that there is no wireless network to connect to which is not correct How can I gain access to my network please> It is one of the older Kindles.
Thank you very much.
Good day
I got an Amazon Kindle D00901 from my aunt as a gift.
I charged it until it showed green,now the screen is not turning on, what will the problem be??
I have a Kindle 3 keyboard. It was dropped and the on /off switch started to have problems. The Kindle still charges OK but the switch is now unresponsive. Any suggestions?
I have an Amazon Kindle Fire Tablet 5th Generation. I can charge it to 100% but when I turn it on the touch does not work correctly. When I touch a button a voice repeats what the button is and a green square box surrounds that button but nothing else happens. Any advice?
I have a Kindle fire from October 2016. I believe I can upload photos from my old Sony Cybershot DCS H5 but I can't find a cable to connect the 2 devices. Any suggestions, or even the correct name for the cable please?
Hello, so I dropped my kindle paperwhite and now the screen light will turn on but doesn't recognize I'm poking it.
And info you can provide will be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Hi i have a Kindle which is stuck in a loop have tried 40 second reset with the button nothing just stays on the tree page how can i reset this back to factory settings or upload the firmware to the latest ? charge light stays amber after being on all night please help?
I'm having trouble with my kindle fire hd 7 (model SQ46CW). my screen shattered but was still operable. i took it to a repair store and they replaced the screen but also told me that my kindle wouldnt start. they said they thought the problem was a dead battery, so i bought a new battery and installed it myself. even with the new battery I'm still getting nothing but a black screen. im really not tech savvy so i would appreciate some help.
Hi, a couple weeks ago I had fell backwards and fell on my kindle fire on a hard wood floor. For a while it only had a black spot that changed every once in a while but mainly was always there. But now my screen is half black and half white is there any way I can fix, I am completely fine with just the cracked screen.
I have a kindle fire next generation and it will come on but it won't recognize that I am swiping my finger to unlock it. I haven't been able to do more that turn it on and off for over a year. It charges find and the image on the screen looks perfect. It just won't acknowledge that I am touching the screen. Is it fixable? I would like to still use it for my books only and keep my newer one for games and internet.
My kindle fire key pad has a large gap in the middle of the key board and digits are very small happened when lost wifi when cable was out for a few hrs. What gives?
My kindle's motherboard is no longer working. How can I fix it?
My Amazon Kindle Fire 10 has some icons in black and white how would I restore to color.
I was using Pandora on my kindle fire, I left Pandora playing and turned my screen off. During the time my kindle fire screen was shut off my kindle was left alone. About an hour later I turned my kindle fire back on and I found my screen cracked and my kindle fire is now unusable, the screen is black with a small rainbow of color near the cracked areas. Any ideas of what happened to my kindle. Please help, thank you.
My kindle Fire paper white with keyboard takes a full charge and turns on and off perfectly. no matter how many times I reset it, the screen will only display the colorful words Kindle Fire. it will display only these words until the battery runs down. It will take another full charge just fine. PLEASE HELP!
my kindle paper white with keyboard charges fully but the screen will only display "kindle fire". I have reset it at least 25 times. both hard and soft resets and no results. The display screen stays the same until the battery runs down and it recharges fully in about 40 minutes. nothing changes. PLEASE HELP ASAP. thank you in advance.
My kindle's camera was working fine one minute, and the next it doesn't work and won't record anything. Had my camera burned out? I don't know what to do! ?
i have an original kindle not a touch screen. it has stopped working and is displaying a battery and cable indicating it needs charging. it will not charge and in all the years i have owned my device it has never done this before. i have tried to reboot it. nothing happens and amazon cs told me it is dead and i need to replace it. if anyone can give me advice or at least verify for me it is dead. thanks
After a hard reset I’ve lost my password, and have no internet connection. It’s a kindle fire
My two-year-old non-touch kindle has half an ad and the rest is layers of what seems like a shifted, blank keyboard. It is entirely unresponsive and the buttons do not work. Doing the 40-second reset does not work either. If you have any other solutions for me to try they would be appreciated.
I have a Kindle and plug in the usb cable to my computer to charge, The charge light comes on but the computer does not recognize it and allow me to access the file.
I cannot get my action bar to fully drop. I've restarted and still having same issue.HELP PLEASE
I am repairing a kindle fire HD 7 1st generation. When I received the device, the screen was black. I pressed the power button, and the screen displayed vertical lines inside gray screen.
I replaced the screen with Amazon Kindle Fire HD 7" LCD + Touch Screen from FixEz.com. I installed the new lcd display in the kindle. I powered it on and I had the same problem. Kindle powers up, produces vertical lines in a black/ grey display then the screen shuts off.
The only thing left was a new motherboard. I search ebay and found the identical motherboard from a seller who claims that the board was operational. The part no is 31KC2MB0280.
I replaced the motherboard carefully using static discharge mat just as a precaution.
Again, I pressed the power button and the display was full size but it appeared to have no horizontal sync.
Two layers of multiple color but with vertical lines. So, I tried a soft reset holding the power button for 20 seconds. No change. Is there anyone who can help me troubleshoot this issue?
This is my 4th kindle. I read books and put puzzles together. When I do a puzzle the peaces will jump around on the kindle. I can't stop them. When I read, and go to turn a page ,it will skip two or three page. This is a new kindle, 4 months old. It is a fire hd 10
MODEL SV98LV Keeps showing while charging :'optimising system storage and application' I will have to wait for 10 minutes. The tab is not booting.
My Amazon tablet screen starts spasming out and I have to turn it back on and off for it to work for about a minute.
My Kindle Fire background light on page is not consistent.
It seems to blink on the upper 1/2 of the page..
It responds to changing light intensity as needed but the unsteady light is annoying.
My screen cracked and I can't buy a new screen what can I do ??
My 10th gen kindle paper white randomly opens the tool bar and sometimes automatically selecting icons. I’m not touching the screen and also happens during airplane mode. I’ve done a soft reset but have had no success. Trying to avoid a hard reset as I don’t want to deal with content changes. Any advice?
So I’ve gotten really annoyed and decided to go for a hard reset. Maybe this will work.
I have Kindle Fire HDX 7" I don't know if I hit a wrong key when shutting off. When I go to my e-mail I get add account. I don't order anything from this device. I entered my e-mail and a password which I had to re-do another times. Then it said everything went thru. However when I tried to go to my e-mail the next day I get the same message add account and cannot get into my e-mail or and thing else. What can I do to correct this?
My kindl paperwhute 7th Gen, is fully charged but wont start i have rebooted it several times but it still is frozen in the lock screen and opens when connected by usb.
I replaced the top screen on my Kindle 7 9th Gen and everything works fine until I put the back cover on. Once the back cover is on, the screen doesn't respond to touch, at all. Once I take the back cover off again, it works perfectly fine. Any suggestions?
My fire tablet was just working fine. I turned it off and let it charge. Then my son went to use it and it was a bunch of weird color lines streaked across it. A soft reset did nothing.
I have a 5th generation kindle the glass is cracked at the bottom for a couple of years never been a problem yesterday the swipe down menu began going up and down real fast i have soft reset it cleaned it and stopped all notifications so when it does it it doesnt cover the whole screen, why is it doing this
I have the original Kindle (with QWERTY keyboard) that won’t charge. I’ve tried 3 different cords that I know work, but the charging light won’t come one the screen still shows empty battery with instructions to connect to power. Can this be remedied?
My Kindle Fire turns on, but the screen is black so what can I do?
(P.S. I a have dropped it a few times and the damage was partially there for a while)
My Kindle screen just went berserk. I can only see half of the words. I can’t even turn off the screen now because that one word can’t feel my touch. I can restart it and cancel it but I can’t do hit the shut down. What happened
I can't get the Kendall to register