Tulsa Phone Repair : Highest Quality Parts

Speaker 1: Yes. You mentioned a lot of the models because we have DIY kits for everything but the iPhone.

Alex: Let’s just talk about the iPhone 6 do-it-yourself kit replacement. Phone Doctors has a solution for your broken iPhone 6. If you are techie, if you are the do-it-yourself type, Phone Doctors is your partner to fix your iPhone 6. We use the highest quality parts. We use the highest quality tools. I have bought these do-it-yourself kits from lots of other companies. I’ve bought them from eBay just to test what other people give their customer. Tulsa Phone Repair  A lot of the tools that they give the do-it-yourself customer, are absolutely crap.

Speaker 1: I’d say trash. Yes.

Alex: They’re cheap.

Speaker 1: You’re more likely to break your device trying to repair it.

Alex: Or strip the screw because the quality of the driver is not good. We want a good experience for our customers, our do-it-yourself customer, if you want to tackle and fix your own iPhone 6 that you crack the screen on or you broke the screen, however you want to call it, Phone Doctors has a kit that it comes with the same technician grade screwdrivers that our Phone Doctors technicians use in the store. We give you a screwmat which it’s a product of Phone Doctors. We created it back in 2010.

Speaker 1: It’s an amazing product.

Alex: It is. We sell them to repair shops worldwide.

Speaker 1: Yes.

Alex: What it is, is a magnetic work mat that has a picture of the inside of your iPhone and they’re all specific to each model. This one for this matter is iPhone 6 screwmat. That becomes part of your do-it-yourself kit and then you get a Phone Doctors replacement screen for your iPhone that comes with a one-year warranty against defects or malfunction. On top of that, we also record the iPhone 6 do-it-yourself screen repair video that teaches you exactly what we do to fix the screen. It’s a very detailed repair video that it doesn’t hide anything.  Tulsa Phone Repair It shows you exactly what you need to do to fix your broken screen on your iPhone 6.

Speaker 1: It’s easy to follow as well. They lay it out in such a way that you really can, you don’t have to be an advanced type of person with repairs to be able to do the screen repairs. With the help of the screw mat and the video, we do try to make it as easy as possible because we want to set you up for success on this repair.

Alex: Absolutely. Correct. There’s lots of other repair shops that use our videos to train their technicians.

Speaker 1: Yes.

Alex: Videos are a great tool to teach people. We started it, not necessarily to teach other repair shops how to do it, we didn’t even start making repair videos to really teach our people. We really had in mind the do-it-yourself customer that if they break their iPhone 6 and they want to repair it themselves to save some money, well, this is a great opportunity for you to save money.

Speaker 1: Yes.

Alex: You don’t have to worry about some repair shop taking your phone and possibly messing with things that they don’t need to. You can do it in the comfort of your home, pull up a chair, get upon your feet [unintelligible 00:03:28].

Speaker 1: Absolutely. It’s a great option where there might not be a Phone Doctors location. Here in Tulsa we have eight area location, so we are super convenient to come in and have us do the repair for you. But for a lot of people that maybe don’t live in this area and you want to do a DIY kit for your iPhone 6, we have them for the iPhone 6 Plus, we have them for the iPhone 5 series, we have them for most models Tulsa Phone Repair.

This iPhone 6 DIY kit, if you don’t live in our area and you want to be able to do that repair yourself, it’s a really great option. The screens, we price them so well that it’s a very doable repair as far as pricing goes. Also, with all the tools we give you to help set you up for success, you’re just likely to really enjoy the process of doing it as well.

Alex: Absolutely and we even have a toll-free number that you can call and you can actually talk to someone if you’re having any type of trouble or difficulty. We’re going to make you a priority and take care of you.

Speaker 1: Absolutely. I have been there listening to a few of the phone calls that have come through with the people that answer. They are knowledgeable, friendly, they make you feel comfortable, nobody makes you feel silly for not knowing how to do it.

Alex: Absolutely.

Speaker 1: We understand a lot of people are just doing it just to try it out for the first time. They maybe have never done a repair like this before and so we try to make it easy and the staff is super friendly when you do need help.

Alex: We want our customers to know that Phone Doctors is a trustworthy company. Phone Doctors is here to help you. Phone Doctors is here to give you a great deal on your iPhone 6 screen DIY kit.

Speaker 1: Absolutely.

Alex: If you want to go and check out Phone Doctors, go to YouTube and look at our Phone Doctor’s channel on YouTube. Look how many videos that we’ve created. Look how many views that we’ve had on these videos and so, there is a popularity to what we have done. It’s because we do it right.

Speaker 1: Yes. High-quality videos too.

Alex: Absolutely. We’re spending the time, we’re putting in the effort, we’re exerting the energy to make sure that customers know they’re going to get a good deal and they’re going to get a good product from Phone Doctors. If you have a broken iPhone 6 screen, if you are the do-it-yourself type, if you feel that you are up for the challenge, Phone Doctors will step right next to you and partner up and provide you everything that you need and make sure that you get the best quality.

Speaker 1: You’ve got to understand with these DIY kids, it’s not a screwdriver and a screen. Literally, there’s several different devices or tools, I should say, that you need to replace those screens and we give you each one of those and as Alex was saying, they’re high-quality tools as well. They’re not just the cheap ones that you’re going to likely to do more damage than actual repair. These are high-quality for your screen replacement DIY kits and the iPhone 6 is still probably the most popular one just because of a lot of people have that one right now, but we have them for the iPhone 5 series, we have them for the iPhone 6 plus, we even have them for the iPhone 6S and above.

Alex: IPhone 5S, IPhone 5C.

Speaker 1: Yes. Go to phonedoctors.com if you want to look into those. That’s the easiest way to do it. You can just order them right there. Tulsa Phone Repair They get shipped to you, usually same day that you order as long as it’s placed before the late afternoon.

Alex: All orders received by 3:00 PM Central Time will process and ship same day.

Speaker 1: Great.

Alex: We ship those packages out with a great Phone Doctors box.

Speaker 1: Yes.

Alex: You have a really nice package inside of the box that separately packs your tools and then separately and safely packs your screen.

Speaker 1: Yes.

Alex: If you have any issues, Phone Doctors is here to take care of those issues. We are not just going to be the company that says –

Speaker 1: Leave you high and dry. You bought the screen, see you later.

Alex: Exactly. Have confidence when you’re thinking about buying a DIY kit for your screen. Your broken screen for your iPhone 6, your iPhone 5, your iPhone 5S, whatever the model of iPhone that you have. Have confidence when you’re buying from Phone Doctors.  Tulsa Phone Repair Yes, you will pay a little bit more but the adage is true, you get what you pay for and you’re still going to save money.

Speaker 1: This is so true. If you go on places like eBay and you’re ordering your screens, as we have done to test out stuff, you’re very often going to be getting the overseas stuff. You might have issues and things aren’t going to line up properly and then you’re going to have really wasted money so, I say go to Phone Doctor’s the first time, phonedoctors.com, order, get the right stuff, so that you’re setting yourself up for success.

Alex: Absolutely. Whenever you do this, just remember, have confidence in yourself, watch the instructional video that we provide.

Speaker 1: Yes. Use your screwmat. It’s so important. There’s a lot of screws.

Alex: Absolutely. Every screw is so important to go exactly where it needs to go. That’s what the screwmat does.  Tulsa Phone Repair It highlights exactly side-by-side when you’re repairing your iPhone that you take this screw out in this location of your phone and then you place it in the corresponding location on the screwmat to the side. Why is it magnetic? So, the screws don’t roll around.

Speaker 1: Amen.

Alex: Yes, because if you put the wrong screw in the wrong spot, you can kill your circuit board. It’s happened before and so there’s a great need for the screwmat to go along with this.

Speaker 1: A lot of DIYer’s, I don’t necessarily think through how intricate a process it really is. But when you have something like the screwmat already included in your DIY kit, I mean man, right there, that is just a big indication that you’re going to be doing the repair well.

Alex: Absolutely. Exactly. If you just want to buy a screwmat, if you decide that you just have got to save the money, and you want to buy a screen from somewhere else, you can just buy the tools from Phone Doctors so you know that you get good tools Tulsa Phone Repair.

Speaker 1: Absolutely, phonedoctors.com

Alex: You can buy a screwmat if you just want to buy a screw mat from phonedoctors.com or you can even go right over to screwmat.com if you want, and you can buy from there also.

Speaker 1: Yes.

Alex: We do take care of orders over there but just buy from Phone Doctors because that’s what it’s all about right now and just to let you know that it is okay if you buy from screwmat.com because Phone Doctors owns it.

Speaker 1: [laughs].

Alex: We appreciate everything that we’re doing for you guys.

Speaker 1: Oh my god.

Alex: That’s a good thing, right?

Speaker 1: Yes. Phone Doctors is here to help their customer.  Tulsa Phone Repair That’s absolutely true. With repairs –

Alex: Do-it-yourself iPhone 6 broken screen. Go Phone Doctors. Go big, go home.