Tulsa cell phone repair : Smartphone Repair

ADR 7.m4a

Hey guys didn’t with phone doctors coming to you again. Tulsa cell phone repair  In a series of our podcast about advanced repairs. Today we’re going to be talking about advanced data recovery. What does advanced data recovery so advanced data recovery is whenever your information on your phone your memories have become inaccessible to you whether it be you accidentally deleted them or you dropped your phone in water and it won’t power back on any number of situations. We do everything we can to get that information back in your hands. So what are some options that you have saved when your phone falls into water or you accidentally delete your whole album. Baby photos of your son or daughter. Well normally without taking it to phone doctors your options normally consist of cutting your losses or trying a lot of people put it liquid with damaged phone in rice which actually turns out to be more do more harm than good to a phone. But also you can look online all over these places and find advanced data recovery or deleted data recovery software that costs an exuberant amount of money. And just a lot of times it doesn’t even work for you. News advanced data recovery software can cost anywhere from $70 all the way up to $150 and you honestly don’t know what you’re getting. You don’t know if it’s actually going to work if it’s worth your time or what’s going to happen once they actually recovers that information or hear it from doctors. We’ve gone above and beyond to make sure that we can get that information to you.

Tulsa cell phone repair So whether that be through repairing your liquid damage to the device to be able to get in backup of all your information or having the special software to be able to get the information back for you at a lower cost than what the software would charge you. And we are here to be able to do that. Not only are we here to be able to get the information back that you’ve lost but also we want to equip you to be able to keep the situation from ever happening again whether that be showing you different softwares or different methods to back up your device that way you don’t lose the information again or any number of things. So what happens or what’s the use is with advanced data recovery advanced data recovery has a ton of applications outside in just the typical consumer advanced data recovery has actually become a very requested service from local and surrounding police departments in the area because when you know people who break the law have so much of their life done on their cell phones and electronic devices that a lot of times there’s evidence to a case or something along those lines found on those devices. So what happens whenever that person takes their phone and throws it in the water or tries to you know destroy the phone in any way shape or form. Well those police departments can bring that phone to phone doctors and we are able to get that phone working again so that way the local police departments can get as much of that information as possible to continue in their case. And that’s one thing that we’ve just been super excited to be able to offer.

Tulsa cell phone repair Also the advanced data recovery serves a purpose to you the customer and even know your device may not be able to function fully ever again. We can get those memories of your children or your loved ones get those contacts to all that stuff back off of that device. And that’s something that we’re super excited to be able to offer you because we’ve all been in that situation where we’ve lost or lost our information and need to get it back. And there’s that just immediate feeling of oh no. All hope is lost where we don’t know. You don’t know if you’re going to be able to ever have that stuff back and you have to almost go through the stages of grief for your information you have to go through denial. No I didn’t. You racist information I can’t. No no no it’s still there it has to still be there somewhere. Then you go through you know all of the different stages and so you finally are just like you know what. What’s done is done. Well we can prevent you from having to go through the stages just go ahead and send your phone to phone doctors and we can get that advanced data recovery going for you. And not only can we back it up to any sort of external media. So if you have a CD or a flash drive we can even restore all that mission over to a new phone. And I’m not just talking pictures and contacts I’m talking we can copy and paste your device over to a new one so you no longer have to worry whether or not you your information is permanently lost ever again.

Tulsa cell phone repair So one thing that I do a lot with research and development is I do a lot of software work and I’ve gotten to explain several times to customers here at phone doctors what exactly happens whenever they delete their information. Well when you delete information off of the computer the computer or your smartphone which is just a miniature computer doesn’t erase it never to be seen again. What actually happens is you have a certain amount of blocked saved onto the hard drive or the memory chip on your device. And what those what the computer phone does is instead of erasing it marks those blocks as a bailable to be overwritten. So the information is still there just the computer is no longer reserving that information that is now marked with a For Sale sign. Until new information comes and occupies that space. And so what our software is able to do is it takes your iPhone and it will completely scan the entire hard drive and it will look for any house or any block. I say health metaphorically any block of information that is available and then will scan that block and say what information is here and then it compiles all that information for us and gives it to us so that we can take a look at it and then we can restore it to computers we can restore it to flash drives phones whatever it needs to be done there. But that doesn’t mean all hope is lost. Usually the more memory you have on your device and the sooner you get it to us after leaving the information the more likely we are to be able to get that information back for you.

Tulsa cell phone repair So and then with advanced data recovery what we do is we go through and we actually test every circuit inside of that phone and we take a technician takes the time to go over that board piece by piece and see what part is malfunctioning within the device is it the power management section. Is it the computing fiction processing fiction what part of the motherboard is messing up. Once we’ve isolated the part of the motherboard that is preventing the phone from powering on we then use the special techniques that we’ve developed to go in repair that part of the board and power the device on even if it’s just long enough to extract a backup of the information to iTunes or any other software so that we can get it back to you. And that’s something that we’ve been super excited to offer not only to our customers but also local police departments because let’s face it local police departments don’t always have all the money to send this phone off to a laboratory. That way a government paid technician can pull it apart pull all this information off or they don’t have the skills and techniques at their local police station to be able to do that kind of work.

Tulsa cell phone repair And so they bring up the phone doctors and a lot of the times it’s done at a very cheap rate for the police officers and the police department because we as I’ve said over and over again we are doctors are not about the dollar we’re about serving the customer to the best of our ability and one way that we serve you is by working with local law enforcement to be able to keep our streets safe and to put the dangerous people behind bars. And that’s one thing that we just take so much pride in is we’re able to help protect the people that we care so dearly about which are our customers. So if you ever need any information restored from your device don’t hesitate to give us a call you can reach out to us at www.youtube.com or give us a call at 9 1 8 9 5 5 1 1 0 0 0. You’ll be able to speak to a technician personally and you won’t get a recorded automated message or anything like that. You’ll be able to speak with the technician one on one and figure out what exactly you need in order to get your device working again.

Tulsa cell phone repair Well that’s going to be offered today in our series of advanced repair podcasts. We look forward to hearing from you. And until next time