Tulsa cell phone repair : Fix Your Phone

Tulsa cell phone repair Here’s what we need to do now. We need to take our Phillips screwdriver and we need to take the four corners screws out the screws are directly in the corners. The top left screw is covered up with some black felt and so we’ll basically need to remove that black felt tape to reveal the screw blow. And then we also have six screws three on either side rail that we just want to loosen. About a turn and a half each time. And so I’m going to go ahead and do all this stuff real quick.

And. So the four horseshoes come out.

I’m going to go ahead and just pierce it right in there.


OK we have all the screws ready to loosen and remove the reason why we don’t take out the sides screws because they are real tiny little screws and they have little washers and it just you don’t want to pull your hair out when those things come out.

Getting them back in everything is ready to go to remove the LCD from the mid frame. So right now we want to take the metal phone opening tool and we want to insert it. Basically you can see a dark line up here at the top. I just like to just come right above that that dark line and I want to catch it right in between the seam between the plastic and the metal bedframe. And I just basically just put some good pressure and I stick the metal opening tool right in there and then I’m basically just doing a little bit of a wedgie motion like so. OK.

We’re going to repeat this step in all four corners come down here to the bottom do the exact same thing. Be careful.

And I just do a little wedgie motion again. I want to lift that up off the frame. OK the LCD is completely free. Now I just want you to pull these cables through the slot like so. Now this is the portion that you want to be real careful about. You want to make sure that all the shards of glass are completely removed from the frame. You don’t want to lay down your new CD. On a on top of a shard of glass. OK so be real careful getting all the glass off. My fingers are a little bit callous but just be careful when you do it.

OK. Feels good.

Sometimes just taking a nice little puff of air and blowing it on there will free anything up.

Tulsa cell phone repair It’s clean our workspace off. OK. What we’re going to do now this is an LCD replacement but we’re going to just take it a step farther and show people some other options what they can do to their foam so they go ahead and take our phone doctors approve parts out. And cut that to the side. Here’s the new LCD that we’re going to put on it’s basically the black LCD with a red frame rather than the black frame kind of helps you know you personalized the device a little bit and we’ve got a red home button that we’re going to transplant. So this is a process that you want to be real careful with.

You don’t want to rip the flex cable of your home button. So I just picked that home button up from the right and I just kind of peel it back and stick it on the 3M here at the bottom. OK. We don’t want to rip this cable. Be super careful.

Now I take the black plastic pick where it’s pointy and I’m basically just coming right in between the cable and the cosmetic home but what this is is this little flex cable with the button is basically adhered by three to the cosmetic plastic home button.

So we just want to just carefully separate.

The home button from the cable sometimes and the other end can help pick it up a little bit easier like so. OK.

Now the bit the button is free from the cable. Need to go ahead and take that button over to the side.

Tulsa cell phone repair Your new home button you can tell that there’s a little mold an imprint of the way that the cable is supposed to lay on the cable has no special design with two cut outs and whatnot. And so we just need to match those cut outs with what’s on the home button.

OK. So we’re going to stick the home button kind of in the same place where the black button was and then we’re going to take the cable.

We’re going to bend it over. Lining it up directly on top of the imprint on that button.

OK so that’s done just carefully just unpick it lay it back down into place like so was not was not difficult.

Tulsa cell phone repair OK. Now this is the part that you want to be real careful with. OK. These cables one of one of them is real sturdy You don’t have to worry about so much. But the other one is real flimsy and this one has a real tendency when we’re feeding it through the slot on the MID frame. It has a tendency to just kind of get bunched up and get caught and then we don’t you can rip it.

So to show you what we want to do this the cable also down here at the bottom has another loose piece here on its direct side where the cable it has one one with and then down here it doubles in with the piece that doubles in with that needs that part also needs to go through the slot. So watch how I do this here I’m going to take the cables and feed them both through and then leaving a gap about a half an inch. I then focused on the bottom getting the bottom planted in place into the mid frame and now I’m holding it kind of like an open book. Now I’m taking the cables. You can kind of see some what that the cable is bunched up in there a little bit. So I want to just straighten that cable out with my fingers on the other side. And I just want to help guide and pull those cables all the way through nice and gently the way that we take our work make sure that we did it correctly is once it’s.


Tulsa cell phone repair In the mid frame.

Sometimes you might find one of those side screws. Just make sure that everything. Gets back in there nicely to loosen these up just to hear.

That every go it just kind of fell right in place there. So it’s nice and flush on that side. Nice and flush on that side. Now see the cables I’m not going to pull in but I’m just going to push them up against the top of the frame and it shows that the cables are flush the length on unbolt of them. A lot of times what happens is this cable gets kind of stuck and it gets positioned down. And if it gets like that do not just pull it. When it when everything is closed if you pull it you’ll rip it. You actually need to open this top portion back up enough to get that cable that bunch released out of there. So everything is good to go right here. We’re going to go ahead and start putting this thing back together real quick.

I’m going to test that button to make sure it feels like it’s pressing nicely which it is.

Let’s go ahead and put nice pressure against the table and then tighten these side screws so it holds the LCD firmly in place.

Tulsa cell phone repair Now don’t forget to put the four quarter screws in the screws are itty bitty but I have bad eyesight and I’m still able to do it.

So nice and slow.

If your dexterity isn’t so good what you can do sometimes too is use your opposite finger. It’s kind of like a stabilizing arm so you’re the tip of the screwdriver isn’t shaking.


Tulsa cell phone repair All right when you get those in. The hardest part is done. OK. Moving on what we need to do first before we put the circuit board back in is take our little buzzer. And we want to put this back on to its place down here at the bottom. There’s a small little loop on the top left of that buzzer which basically fits directly over top of the screw thread on the MID frame. It’s going to stick that nicely. And you can tell that the the two copper pins are pointing completely horizontal towards this mid frame.

We’re now going to install the circuit board back into the mid frame and you’ll see that the circuit board right here has a little protruding notch at the top this this notch right here. What we need to do is we need to tuck it in between if you get a good angle right here. You can see between this plastic piece and the mid frame that there’s a little slot that comes right in between there. We need to take that portion of the circuit board and we need to have it tuck underneath the mid frame in that slot locking it at the top of the circuit board into place. So let’s go ahead Tulsa cell phone repair.