Tulsa cell phone repair : Backup information

ADR 2 4-20-17.m4a

Tulsa cell phone repair Hey guys thanks for joining phone doctors where we breathe new life to you and your device. This is the fourth installment of podcasts that we’re doing on advanced repairs. So what I was wanting to talk about today is I was just browsing through articles and came across one talking about. Backups and backing up your information. Now this is something that I have always done religiously. I have my contacts backed up to one place I have photos backed up to another place actually two or three different places. And so at any given time should I have to factory reset my phone. I will be able to restore all the information on my device back to it. With minimal data loss. And so that got me thinking how many people actually back up their information and just religiously as I do now after several years in the cell phone repair industry and hearing countless horror stories I eventually developed these backing up habits. It wasn’t something that I’ve always done my entire life. So. It still begs the question how many people backup their information. And so what I’m looking at here right now is a 2015 survey. So it’s a little dated but still very prevalent in today’s day and age of the number of people or percentage of people that back up their information. So 25 percent of people said that they never back up the information whether it be on the computer or a cell phone. They never do it haven’t done it a day in their life. Thirty nine percent said that they back up their phone or computer.

Tulsa cell phone repair Nearly 19 percent said that they do it monthly. 9 percent said Weekly and eight percent of people said that they backed up their information daily. So and this really kind of disheartened me because it now begs the question for. Those people mainly the people I’m talking to are the 25 39 and 19 percent of people that either never backup their information. Back it up yearly or back it up monthly. What happens when you don’t back up your information and something happens. Let’s say you. For the yearly people you backed up your information January 1st and it’s now November. 13th. And. You. Lost your phone and you did not back the last time you backed it up was January 1st. So there’s all these months in-between of information that you’ve put on your phone that you now no longer have access to. You need that information back. For people who never back it up you don’t even have a return point. It’s just gone. And for people to back it up monthly you’re a little bit better off. But there’s still information there that could be lost and with how unpredictable today’s day and age is. You never know when you’re going to get information that you’re going to need to recover. So worst case scenario you now no longer have that information because you’ve never backed it up. What do we do. Well. That’s where advanced data recovery comes into play. We found doctors have developed a way to kind of give you that emergency. Oh no what do I do. Data recovery service.

Tulsa cell phone repair Now keep in mind this is not meant to be a replacement to backing up your information. I still strongly encourage backing up your information as often as you remember. Daly is the best. You know golden result. But as often as you think about it you should be backing up your information. But. Should you forget to back it up for any extended period of time or you find yourself invincible to. This. Data monster that likes to go around and try and destroy your information. Should you happen to be struck by that information loss phone doctors. Is there to help. What we offer are different things to you so that we you are able to get that information. And. Get back to your life. So the first one with the advanced data repairs it’s literally going in and testing circuit after circuit after circuit on the board. And keep in mind the motherboard has thousands upon thousands of individual circuits that all work together to make the handheld computer that you have. So. What happens is we go through and we test those circuits and we figure out where the problem is and then we go about repairing that. Whether it be something going wrong in the power section or the video section or the processing section of your board. We do everything in our power to repair that malfunctioning area to get your information backed up and onto a external device or on a new phone. For those of you who accidentally factory reset your device or you deleted a. Text message thread that you just absolutely cannot lose what we offer in that instance is deleted data recovery deleted data recovery.

Scans your hard drive for those. Open. Hard drive spaces in order to recover the information that’s still available on them. Now this is not something that you want to do whenever your device is almost full because as your device is almost full there’s a higher risk of that information being overwritten. The best thing that is recommended to do is whenever your device. Delete something or you accidentally delete something is to shut off your device and get in touch with phone doctors so that we can have the highest chance of success of recovering your information if you go about using your device for you know a day or two and then finally get around to it Tulsa cell phone repair.

Then our chances of being able to recover all that information drops dramatically to the potential where we may not even be able to recover that information anymore. So. Really the moral of this is to back up your information so that you never even have to rely on us in the first place. But we’re there as that failsafe should you need it. And there is hundreds of free and paid services that offer this service to you. There is Google iCloud all these different services offer you the ability to back up important information and you can fine tune and tell it what information you’d like for it to back up whether it be photos contacts calendar events. Internet bookmarks e-mails whatever it may be. And ultimately that’s something that we want to. Educate our customers to be able to do because whenever it comes to advanced data recovery nothing is for certain Nothing’s guaranteed but we have such a highly trained technician team that we can do our best and give you the certain answer of yes we can or no we can’t. But ultimately our goal at phone doctors is not only to bring new life to your device like we do every day but to educate you on how we can prevent these things from happening again in the future because by educating our customers. That allows us to be able to offer more than just our technical expertise to human services but we’re also preventing you from having a crisis like this further down the line Tulsa cell phone repair.

And so ultimately the moral of this story is going to be begin to develop the habit of backing up your information should you lose your information and find that you’ve deleted something or you can’t find something or your phone is not powering on like it should and you need to get the information that’s on there off. Feel free to reach out to us either by contacting us over the phone or through our Web site. Our direct line is 9 1 8 9 5 5 1 1 0 0  or you can also search w w w dot phone doctors dot com. And then for our advanced repair it’s w w w phone doctors dot com slash to day turn. And that will give you all the information you need to either send your read your device in for this repair service or to get in touch with a technician and figure out where the closest repair shop is for you to be able to have your phone repaired and get your important information and memories back into your hands. This has been Devyn with a nother phone doctor’s podcast about advanced data recovery in our series of Tulsa cell phone repair podcasts for advanced repairs. We look forward to seeing you next time. And remember if you need a device repaired think of phone doctors