Broken Arrow Iphone repair : Power flex

Broken Arrow Iphone repair And while I do that is because if I have again less likely of me breaking the or ripping the speaker now there’s a little bracket right here on the camera the holes the holes the back Cameron and that of push off the summit and then.

Kind of pick the camera out which falls backwards like this. Wi-Fi cable will unfold back here. And now we’re ready to pull the circuit board out before we do that. We got to start eustress whole in the circle of one in one right here.

But the LCD character and one right here above the front camera I take those two out and there’s a spot on our screen that shows to go.

Broken Arrow Iphone repair To the two screws removed. Now power flex. I said this right here. And it feeds all the way up into the circuit board right here in this. We want to do is want to get your pick in between the circuit board and then this and this flex cable here. Reason why you don’t want the circuit board popping up and scratching or cutting that plus cable causing the cable not to work again so we’ll get to pick up in between here and pick up. So circuit board makes this kind of weird action. Obviously you don’t want to be up on the side because the power flex is holding it in you or when you go underneath the board here because the front camera is and he’s to the back of the housing.

It will loosen that up here and you can see the camera is now loosened and kind of push this guy out of the way like so.

So circuit boards like this.

And now the digitizer we’re going to Turbo it’s got this kind of foil around it to hold it in at all. It’s just it’s just been so kind of get wedged in between the circuit board and that’s just cable take up like this.

So now we’re ready to put the plug in the new new touchscreen.

Screen screen couple things to do lots of prop to the touch screen to put into the new device was put in the home button.

It’s a home button but I’m certain it will take a bracket here.

Broken Arrow Iphone repair Insert this. Notice how this one other small hole cut out that matches up with the the small circle right here to the left of the LCD connector line that up and it will fit all this perfectly.

So that’s right ready to go peel off.

And this can be a little tricky so just up one to one take your time when trying to plug it in.

Broken Arrow Iphone repair Well you’re kind of a snap clip sound. And I mean you know you’ve got it in there. And now the touch screen is symbol and the camera back into position right here and now the circuit board is ready to be put back into place. Now right here it doesn’t feel like it’s going to want to push in. It’s kind of stuck. All basically Did you just need the BEEN Kirtley seats kind of push down and it’s in place. There’s a lot of the force. Don’t put me down you can just put a little force in there. I’ll push the camera back down into place here. This two screws that hold the circuit board back in place. POI’s point the screw back into the wall. So what I do here is I want to plug the LCD in and what we’re going to do is just make sure the touch screen is working perfectly fine before we go ahead and put everything else back together. So I get it plugged in here and I hit the power button. So it’s working. Slide it up make sure the camera is working properly. It’s all blurry now since we’re not getting back together. Different.

So all that’s all that is working perfectly on.

Now go ahead. Pasic pick on point. So now we’re going to have to reinstall the entire the rest of the device or a bracket. It’s got two little loops right here. Once we go into two holes over here it goes in first and then push down.

And this just fits snug right there.

Now with the rest the screws back into the arch.

I can get all the trees back in but the camera lid back on. This is in the back camera in place snaps in. Now any sticker and he says Place put it in place to hold the screen down.

A couple holes that you want to get cut outs here and this is basically where that’s where you are or your screen is right.

You don’t want that to be covered up so if you had to take this thing back off again you know they’re really easier and he’s. So into the top first all the way forward. So

I have a plan of action to put the increase of down.

It’s already free cut out so makes it pretty easy to lay down in there in the right position.

Broken Arrow Iphone repair And I just want you to sit down take your pick and take up the top layer double sided tape and say he’s still on there so top portion is done. Bend the screen back up this way and do the same thing to the bottom. You’re watching his video we don’t have the tools or the screen parts you like that. You can go to our Web site phone doctors dot com. We have all those available and usually ships within one day.

Right. Was another three and use of is ready to go. Pick the screen up here. Now there’s digitizers here.

It does bend in two different ways. So we’ll have to do that.

Bielski and.

It is no point in flux it begins this way first then back towards the front and then bends this way so I guess it’s three times I’ve got to bend that as have been correctly.

There was a scream when I said that properly. So now what we’ll do is we’ll pull the screen back out side slightly.

You can fill the bracket here fit in a little groove on the housing and push back up and push down. And as you can see here the screen. Fits flush all around.

Broken Arrow Iphone repair Now sometimes when you drop these sometimes it has like little Davidson in in the corners and then you I have been those out a little bit for the screen to sit down find this one. This one was just this one didn’t have any of those and hit the home button. So working that is how you do.

Broken Arrow Iphone repair And I’ve had or I touch for and that is I you do an iTouch for digitizer LCD replacements. Sure if you like what we’re doing here. Go to our YouTube page and subscribe. You’ll get all your e-mail alerts and more update new new videos all the time iPad 3 is coming soon more galaxy screens. The new iPhone that’s coming out later this year. I’m sure will have one of those on there as well. And make sure to check out our Facebook and Twitter pages as well as well. Thanks for joining us. I am still with the phone doctors. You guys have a great day. Take a trip to Mount