Broken Arrow Iphone repair : New Life

Touch IC 2 4-20-17.m4a

Broken Arrow Iphone repair  Hey Guys welcome to phone doctors dot com where we bring new life to your device. So this is a third pod cast in a series of podcasts about advanced repairs. This time we’re going to be talking about touch IC. So I was actually just reading a report from Apple Insider. This report was actually really interesting just a few numbers I want to throw out there. So it said that in 2014 there were iPhone 6 and 6 Plus isn’t over those released those were released out of a total of two thousand eight hundred. And for customers to make appointments. Meeting repairs 547 of these were for iPhone 6 and 965 were for iPhone 6 plus devices that had touch IC issues. So that means that over fifteen hundred repairs over about 50 percent a little over 50 percent of these repairs out of this 2800 and for meeting repaired at the Apple stores were touch ic issues. That is a staggering amount of devices with one specific problem. And showing the exact same symptoms. It seems like that this is becoming more of a rule rather than an exception or a defect. Whenever it comes to the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus it’s not a matter of if you will begin to experience touch IC issues. It’s a matter of when.

Broken Arrow Iphone repair  And that is so so important whenever it comes to your personal electronic device because it is this company’s responsibility to be able to offer a reliable product that’s one reason why people have always raved and chosen iPhone devices and Apple devices over androids and PCs is because of their simplicity and their reliability and simply what we’re seeing here just by these numbers. Is that. The six in the six plus aren’t offering that reliability that so many Apple customers require and demand from their devices. So what happens if this begins to happen to you and you begin to experience these issues. The best thing I can recommend. Would be to speak with one of our technicians our advanced repair technicians here from doctors touch IC repairs are a plague. Spanning across the entire iPhone 6 and 6 plus series of devices iPhone managed to fix this with the success series and the success plus series but specifically the six and the six of the six and the six plus have been giving us many many issues. Just today I work as a technician for phone doctors and just today I saw so many come in so many 6 and 6 plus has come in that weren’t touching and we’re showing these flickering gray bar symptoms. So what happens whenever these begin to experience those issues. You can try taking it to the Apple store.

Broken Arrow Iphone repair  But whenever it comes to taking it to the Apple store they’re going to charge you. An exuberant. Amount of money in order to get this rectified. And nine times out of ten. I would actually say pretty close to 100 percent. You’re not getting your same device back. You’re getting a refurbished device handed back to you. Or they sell you a new device. And what happens with these refurbished devices. They’re devices that have yet to experience this touch. Does disease symptom. But by these numbers. And as I said earlier. It’s starting to become a matter of not if but when. So them simply giving you a new device that’s not showing the gray bar right now doesn’t mean anything. This issue has begin to arise through carrying your phone in your pocket. Dropping your device simply from the waist high or getting out of your car your phone falling and hitting some sort of hard service or even in some instances that I’ve had customers report me soft surfaces like carpet or a couch or anything along those lines any stress put on your device is beginning to show touch IC problems and this is only going to get worse as the devices grow older because what happens is that Sautter begins to weaken over time. It’s just like any other metal substance as you begin to put more wear and tear on the device and there’s more of an electric current that passes through it.

Broken Arrow Iphone repair  This solder is going to weaken and eventually crack and the second that solder cracks is the second that you’re going to begin to experience these issues with the touch IC. So. Back to the question what do you do whenever you experience a touch IC issue. The best and most reliable thing I can recommend would be bringing your device into any number of one of our doctors locations. Because of what we offer to our customers is in our advanced repair repertoire we offer the touch IC repair this touch ic repair. We’ve gotten it down to where it’s a very quick turnaround to you the customer. In some instances even a s.a repair which is absolutely unheard of in the industry. A lot of times what you see is you have to come in and give your device and they send it off for a week and it comes back and you’re able to use your device again. And sometimes that device can’t even be repaired. We have highly trained technicians that are actually trained and do this daily. And so normally the average turnaround time is 24 to 48 hours. Sometimes we can get it back to you same day and we even offer a six month warranty with all of these repairs. Touch IC issues or something that aren’t just going to go away. Apple has been trying to. Put this put responsibility on the consumer by saying that this issue has come because you were carrying your phone in your pocket of all places who doesn’t put their phone in their pocket every day of their lives. But they say that. This issue has come from putting your phone in your pocket or dropping your device no matter how it came about.

Broken Arrow Iphone repair  It came about because of your mis treatment of your device. So it’s really become an issue and there’s even lawsuits out against Apple right now. There’s actually a. Lawsuit that there. That’s going around. I’m not sure if it’s been settled yet or not for the touch IC issue because Apple has neglected to actually offer any compensation. To their customers even though they’ve acknowledged that this is an issue with the phone they see over half of the repairs daily coming into their store. Showing these issues Apple still neglects to take responsibility for these repairs. And so the consumer needs someone on their side. And that’s where we come in because we will fight. In order to get you your phone back into working condition. We will do everything that is humanly possible within our expertise and within the realm of possibility to get your device repaired and back into your hands so that we can have all your memories all your photos all your voicemails notes calendar events everything that you use your phone for day in day out for work. Home. Relaxation it’s back to so that way you can get on with your day to day life. And what’s even better is there is also a 180 day warranty that comes with these repairs. You can’t beat that. That’s something that you don’t just get from any other repair shop advertising that they’re able to do this repair. A lot of repair shops will say that you’re lucky if we can repair your device why in the world would we offer you a warranty. Not us. We tell you we’ll fix your device and we’re so confident.

Broken Arrow Iphone repair  In how well we’re able to fix it that we’re going to offer you a six month warranty if your device begins showing these symptoms again and you haven’t done anything to your device to damage it by dropping it or. Getting it submerged in water. Anything along those lines will fix it again for you at absolutely no cost to you. We want to make sure that what we do serves you in every shape and form possible. So that’s one thing to remember that this is one way that we bring new life to your device. This is a repair that hardly anyone else in the country offers. Normally you have to ship your device across the United States or overseas to get this repaired done and your weeks at a time without your device which in today’s day and age is crippling to a person. I know me personally I do so much work and. Personal work and things along those lines on my device. I can’t be without my phone for a week. It’s just not doable. So what we offer is the opportunity for you to be without your phone for maybe a day or two instead of days at a time and then we get your device back to you. We fill you up with that warranty and we make sure that you are good to go because that from doctors is what we are here. And aim to do is bring new life to you and your device. So. Don’t be afraid of touch IC now that there is a way that you can get it taken care of. And we’re here to get it taken care of for you.

Broken Arrow Iphone repair  This is Devon signing off from doctors. Till next time. Have a great day