Broken Arrow Iphone repair : Headset jack

Samsung Infuse LCD Screen Repair and Replacement for i997.mp3

Broken Arrow Iphone repair A this is Alex Isar with doctors and today we’re going to do an LCD replacement on the Samsung views that I 997. It’s a little different than what our other video shows on the unfused. This one is basically just doing the LCD by itself.

Sometimes the frame is not always available with the LCD and so we have to resort to getting just the LCD by itself. So what we’re going to do today in short is we’re going to. Take your phone apart and then remove the frame that’s already on the phone and install the New York City. So let’s get started. We have Philips screwdriver that’s included in the DIY kit. We have a metal phone opening tool.

We also have a plastic pick double sided and we’re going to go ahead and remove. The back. Cover off the phone from the top and just pick it right off put it to the side. Take our battery. And then we have a SIM card and typically a memory card the memory card is basically spring loaded. So go ahead and pull that out. Notice how it’s upside down when you put it back in. Just give the sim card a little boost. I’ve already taken the screws out but there’s six screws in the back. There’s three on each side. OK.

Broken Arrow Iphone repair Now we’ll take this black. Phone opening to all or to come in. There’s a small seam that runs between the glass and the back housing. But we’re just going to split that get our tool in there and then just wedge out you see how it just opened it really nice. We’re going to do that all the way around.

Until it gets completely free. And that on the side here. Perfect. Bit more on this other side. Good. And then just pop it right off. Put that part to the side.

Now when you are a phillips screwdriver we have two screws to remove. You have one on the bottom right of the circuit board here. Take them. Put that to the side. One more right up here between the camera and the headset jack. OK. And we have a couple of cables that we need to unplug. This is the LCD display cable. Just. Takes off. And this is another cable here. We want to just barely just kind of loosen that camera up a little bit. And plug. That cable. At the bottom right. We have this other cable right there that just comes loose. I can just take the circuit board just like that and just kind of given it a little sway a little wiggle it’ll come right out of the frame.

Now this is where it goes into a little bit more difficult level of repair because separating the glass which is adhered by 3M adhesive to the mid frame it can prove to be a little bit sticky. This glass is not broken just the LCD below. And so what we really need to do is all along the whole frame on the outside edge. That’s really where it’s pretty sticky. And then it’s also sticky right around. Here in the middle. So let’s just try this. We’re going to take our metal opening tool and we’re just going to find that little seam right between the Light Gray and then the glass. And let’s just get it in there like so and just go slow.

Broken Arrow Iphone repair And just work all around the edge OK. And it is going to break glass. So you might want to put on a. Pair of reading glasses or sunglasses or something like that just so you don’t shoot any glass of in your eye.

I would hate that that would happen to you. So just go slow take your time. Like I said.

What would even help too. Typically if we’re. Doing this for your for your son if you decide that you want to make it into the phone doctors which we would love to do that for you. We use a heat gun and what the gun does is it really softens up that adhesive. And it would make this thing come off really easy. So if you have a blow dryer take a blow dryer and just heat. Heat. This thing really really well.

OK. So OK.

So now that we’ve kind of come pretty much all the way around we’re going to come in with AT&T logo is at the top of the phone. And this is where we’re going to start to pry it up and.

Be careful here. Might even help to get another tool in here to help pry. OK. So.

Broken Arrow Iphone repair It’s nice that we can give you several tools to make this work. So let’s get a good side shot here. This screen is actually kind of like a double layer screen. You have the LCD which is below. And then this is of course your touchscreen. So we’re actually going to be pulling the LCD along with that touch screen and see how it’s separte nicely there. Here at the bottom there is a small little flex cable that underlies the glass here and it makes these touch buttons work. So as we’re separating this we want to be cautious not to rip that little tiny flex cable. So we’ll take a little bit of an opening tool here.

And just nice and gently.

Make sure that we’re lifting it up without that cable because if you rip a cable then you’re going to have a little bit of a problem.

So this is go nice and slow.

Easier. You can see right in here. See that cable how it’s lifted up. That’s what we we don’t want to see. And so we need to come back in here. And just.

Ever so gently. Separate that from the glass.


Broken Arrow Iphone repair So you can see that some of this tape will actually lift it up a little tiny bit. You probably wouldn’t really experience.

It the way that I did because most of the time this thing is going to be breaking up all over the place of the glass. So what we need to do is just kind of reset. This upper coating over time. This table here.

You know Mike that. This Cody.

Just get that right back down over top of it like so now you would also probably have broken shards of glass around the edges and whatnot. I. Luckily did not because I went around pretty much the entire surface with the phone opening tool. And so it made for a pretty clean separation. But now check that check the surface like I said for any broken glass if there is any. You want to get those off. Sometimes this little speaker mesh that can be left on the LCD. So if it was you want to take it off of the LCD and you want to put it back on over the frame right here.

With the new LCD. Well go ahead and just remove that plastic protective tape.

And we want to remove the 3M tape that is pre-installed on the LCD.

This is your main LCD cable that’s going to be the first thing that we’re focused on.

We’re going to put it through the little slot in the inside of this metal housing or metal frame once it feeds in there.

Now the job is this is sticky and so we need to line it accurately.

Broken Arrow Iphone repair Probably a good gauge would be to see the speaker mesh over a little hole there and then just feel. That it feels flush on both sides and feels flush on the top and bottom. Once it does feel flush on both of those you just want to squeeze it together.

And get all that that new adhesive sticking to the metal frame.

So this point. That is the hardest part of the entire repair. Now you’re you can put it in cruise control and just finished the repair up. So we’ll take our new LCD. I mean our circuit board excuse me and we need to install it. So getting our cables all. Spread out. So they don’t get covered up when we put the circuit board on. To start. Well you know you guys right back in. These You want to you want to line them up just right and then the press press on nice and easy. You don’t want to force it. Make sure these little. Extra guys are all pushed down and they’re little appropriate spots. All right. Two black screws one up here. One down here we need to solve those. OK.

Take our back rear housing. And we’ll get that set at the top. Get that flush and then push all the way around. And that’s it you guys take your memory card. Get that back in. Spring loaded. So there you go.

Put your SIM card in. Get your six screws back in your battery the battery cover in there.

Broken Arrow Iphone repair And. That’s it. The Samsung and fuse LCD digitizer replacement