Broken Arrow Iphone repair : Circuit board

Samsung Fascinate i500 LCD Screen Repair Guide.mp3

Broken Arrow Iphone repair This is the Samsung fascinate LCD replacement.

Let’s begin by removing the battery and the battery.

There are six screws we’ll need to remove those.

Now you’ll notice that there is a seam between the front housing in the back housing can just take your flat pick and just gently start separating those two from each other. Now you’ll notice there’s some flex connectors that need to. Loosen from the circuit board. And this is the LCD.

Is the bottom keys.

You have the. Antenna.

Broken Arrow Iphone repair Then you have the camera and the jack.

There is a screw located at the bottom right hand corner of the circuit board.

And the top left hand corner of the circuit board will need to remove most of those.

To make sure that camera is just up enough to where the circuit board or pop is.

Once that’s done.

This just up a little bit and then on the left hand side where the volume keys are you’ll need to. Move that from the middle frame.

As well as the vibrator slip.

Now we can remove the LCD from the middle how we’ll stop We’ll start in the right hand corner of the device.

Just take your flap pig and start separating. The whole city.

Broken Arrow Iphone repair I want she can get your fingers inside there and start working down.

So bring the. Whole city from the middle housing.

I will have to find some pretty good pressure to remove the.

Reason we start at the top is because when we get to the bottom I need to make sure that we’re coping with the four keys and when we get down here you’ll notice that there is a flex connector that is actually got 3M to the bottom housing here at the bottom of the LCD and we need to be really careful with that so that we don’t rip it.

Those keys actually have three in it he says tape on the top side so they actually stick to the under neath portion of that LCD. And this is the same on all Samsung Galaxy devices. They all have this lower flex connector that you have to be cautious on. No not really.

Now we’ll just make sure that all the shards of glass are actually removed from the middle housing so when we apply the the new LCD we’re not damaging it by a shard of glass that.

Might be left over. And so you’ll just take your thumb and just run it along.

The edges.

Now once that’s removed I’ll need to take the back speaker cover.

Remove it and then we can take it back then we’ll need to take and remove the cover that covers up the 3m from the back of the new LCD assembly.

Once we can apply it onto the middle housing.

In flex and putting it in its appropriate location.

Once it’s seated just tried to put a little bit of pressure on there make sure that seated right. Now it can start putting it back together.

The circuit board.

Make sure the flex connectors and. Putting two screws back into the circuit board.

In the back housing. Start. Putting the screws back and

Samsung Infuse i997 LCD Screen Repair Replacement.mp3

Broken Arrow Iphone repair This is the Samsung and fuse LCD replacement getting started you want to make sure the device is off.

Secondly will remove the battery door.

Which just clips remove the battery remove the memory card. By spring. And then we’ll take the SIM card take your fingernail under the tap and just slide out to the side.

Now we have six screws to remove.

Now once we’ve got the screws removed I’ll turn it over to the side and there is a seam that runs between the glass and the the back housing. We want to take like our black plastic pick or you could use the new metal pick that we have but just come in by the headset jack right up here and you’ll separate and just. Lightly wedging. You’ll see that it’s starting to come out and as it comes out you just want to go ahead and ride all along this edge.

So with that over.

This would just come in right down here at the bottom and give it a little bit of a. Back LCN is removed.

We have two screws.

Now taking the black plastic pick.

We have a couple cables to remove.

Now down at the bottom now are little antennas that you want to be careful with this little cable.

There you go.

Broken Arrow Iphone repair Now the Samsung and fuse we’ve made it real easy. You also have a camera which is probably going to just need to be picked up just a little bit here. OK. And as we pull the circuit board out it’s nice and loose.

We need to now remove this serial number label. OK.

Now let’s put that assembly to the side and grab our new one.

Go ahead and transfer the serial number label.

This is such an awesome LCD kit that we have here and has everything ready to go. So just make sure all of our cables are out of the way.

Getting the wind up here. Make sure that camera fits down in this little compartment first.

And now we’ll start plugging the cables back in.

Sometimes that your speaker can float up and make sure that that’s down. Make sure the headset jack is also down.

Now down here the bottom we have that one small flex cable and then the antenna cable which has a nice slot. You want to make sure that cable gets in that slot.

We’re going to be careful to plug this.

Grab your two black screws. Put the screws back in. Don’t need to overtightened it just get it snug. Now take your back housing. We start at the top to take it apart and we’re going to start with a top to put it back together get it nice and flush up at the top rim and we’ll just go ahead and squeeze the two pieces together all the way around making sure that everything feels nice and flush all the way around but the screws back in the battery little. Memory card first and the memory card goes in upside down and you’ll see the copper contacts want to make sure that you do that correctly.

Slide the SIM card in place the battery.

Squeezed the battery door back on and lets power the device on.

Broken Arrow Iphone repair The Samsung and fuse complete LCD replaced by