Broken Arrow Iphone repair : Battery door

Samsung Vibrant T959 Phone Screen Repair and Replacement LCD.mp3

This is the Samsung vibrant complete LCD replacement getting started the power of the device down.

Broken Arrow Iphone repair Secondly remove the battery door. The battery. The SIM card and the memory card which is spring loaded.

I’ve already removed the seven screws. Holding the rear housing onto the device. So you remove those seven screws Once that is accomplished we want to take like are our metal phone opening tool and we need to just come in-between where you see the black plastic and the trim from the faceplate that’s where we want to separate and we’re basically just going to wedge out all around. The device. And release all the clips that. Are holding this into place. Now occasionally you’re going to have pieces like that fall out or this button might fall out as well. Sometimes this little rubber gasket will fall out.

That belongs right here in this circle that we just go ahead and just put it right back in there right now so we don’t forget about it later and we can put this. Button back in there as well. And we’ll just put this off to the side.

We now need to switch tools and scrubber plastic pick now something that is not real. Destructive with circuits in small parts. We have a couple of cables that we have to disconnect the camera. This has like a big icy chip on here of like chip.

Broken Arrow Iphone repair It’s actually a connector so we can pop that up put the camera up the side. Here’s another little connector up here. With. That up from the right to the left cable here on the bottom. That folds down. And we have this other little antenna cable here. Want to.

Unpick that. Now our circuit board is almost free. I take like to the metal opening tool now and we need to separate this button right here. It’s got 3M adhesive. Making that stick down to this. Housing that needs to get. Free. And we can take a circuit board to the side. We’re now ready to remove the LCD entry point that you want to come in that is basically right between the glass and the shiny blue trim. And you’re just going to basically come in here and you’re going to. Pierce in there and you’re going to start lifting it up and there’s a reason why I’m starting at the top and not the bottom at the bottom where you have the four buttons here. There’s a flex cable that is basically adhered to the inside of the LCD and we have to be real careful with that because we don’t want to rip that cable so we’ll get down there in a minute and I’ll show you what we got to do. Up here you don’t have to be real fragile or whatnot because the LCD is already broken. Now as we are pulling this back and peeling it. We want to. Be real cautious in here now. If that breaks that’s that is fine. It’s probably going to be easier for us to work. So I’ll take that broken piece and get that off to the side out of our working area. Just come in here real carefully. And we’ll be able to once we get it started here. Show you what we’re trying to accomplish.

Now I’m revealing that little flex cable underneath it. That’s the orange. Dude at. Sometimes you’ll be able to pick this all up. And unpeel everything but this is you know kind of severely broken down here so it’s probably going to come up. Like this.

Being real careful not to hurt that cable.

We want to be a real.

Thorough with getting all the glass out. You definitely don’t want to have any glass on this mid frame when we go to lay down our new screen because.

It’ll cause that new LCD screen to. To break real quick. That’s pretty much. Almost. All the weakling at the bottom. Sometimes the glass can fall down into here and we want to watch that. Watch for that. You take my thumb over it. Because it’s sometimes proves to be a little bit better I’m feeling for things. OK.

There’s that finish up at the top for a quick.

And if there’s any adhesives still you know on the top or the bottom. I like to leave the adhesive on there as long as all the glasses off because it’s going to help the top and the bottom portion of the LCD stick.

I want to hear.

OK. We are ready to install the new LCD screen. Couple of things here real quick. You have. To remove this protective film. This is going to reveal new adhesive all along here.

I also want to before we stick this we want to take this little metal. Here speaker shield. We want to put this on our new screen. So. You get that shot.

Good. OK.

Broken Arrow Iphone repair Now we’re ready to insert the new LCD into the middle frame here will take her cable and we’ll filt feed it right through this little slot here that have been housing all that down on the place.

And we’re going to go ahead and just start sticking. This to the middle frame. I’m squeezing the LCD. Into Place. Trying to get that adhesive set up. You definitely want the bond to each other.

OK. The hardest part is done. Now we just got to put this thing back together make sure all of our cables are up.

And. Ready to accept the circuit board. Can’t get that down in place. Surp plugging in all of little cables. You.

Go. Plug in the LCD here. Make

sure our power but here this the power button to the phone that’s stuck. We need to feed our little antenna cable here. Plug this guy in.

Good. Stuff here. This antenna cable needs to. Right in the slot right here.

So. Perfect just like that. Now get our camera put that back plug this guy in. Already for the rear housing.

Let’s get it in at the top and push down nice and evenly all around at this point. We would put our seven screws back in the foam. Get her the battery.

Put your memory card in your memory card and SIM card and that’s power of the device on.

Broken Arrow Iphone repair The Samsung vibrant complete LCD