Broken Arrow cell phone repair : Samsung repair

Broken Arrow cell phone repair And if you just take it and put it in the corner of it and just grab just a hair off it you’ll hear it start to move and you can just put it between the silver and the black on the mainframe itself.

Just like self. Just from. That.

N3 and tape on there so it might be a little bit tough to remember.

And that is what it will look like before we start putting the phone back together. And what we need to make sure of is before you put the screen back on is to remove all the broken glass that’s on the phone so that when you put the screen back on you’re not pressing down and shattering the other screen then you would have to get a whole nother screen to replace that. Now all we’ll do is we’ll take the the new the new digitizer in the mid frame and we’ll take those two little flexes and you’ll notice those cables are the same length and so that we can do this take those and place it into the little slot that is in the metal metal housing here. And we need to gently put those in there. It’s very crucial at this point that you don’t rush this part because if you do you can easily tear one of these flexes and then that spring would be bad at that point. So just gently put those in there and then this whole time you’re going to have to be watching between the two so that you’re not pinching the two cables. And most of the time you can notice that when you put the screen in and they’re saying. When they’re at the same thing you’ll notice that the level at the top if it’s unlevel like that then what will happen is the cable’s been pinched inside there. But noticed that even so we’ve got Broken Arrow cell phone repair the the the the cables through far enough so that we can proceed on putting the bottom in as well.

And you want to also check just to make sure that the home button feels flush so that you don’t have any glass or anything down there as well. Now what we’ll do is we’ll just turn the phone back over and we’ll take and start putting the screws back in the appropriate locations of the frame here starting with the four corners.

Those are the you’ll you’ll remember those are the best because those are typically the last things that you pull out.

Broken Arrow cell phone repair The best thing to do is to make sure that you just move this this black piece just to the right so that you can get in between it and the.

And the jack.

Hook up.

Just drop.

I just basically drop the screw there so I was just making sure that I can realign it up and.

Even talking about sometimes you know things are different. So you just going to have patience with yourself.

Broken Arrow cell phone repair And during this time as as I finally got screwed back and just be real patient with it sometimes they don’t line up just right and and you’ll get a feel for it as soon as it starts you.

Just be real patient with it though and it’ll get back in there. And then we’ll just go down and move on to these other corners. There are a lot freer. So you’ll be able to. Get those hands a lot faster than the other. Things

you see just by the way when I dropped much. I used the head because it was my mind.

And you notice as as when you’re when you’re putting these in if you drop the screw the the head of your back the head of your tip of your screwdriver is magnetic so you can pick those up really really easy in those tight spots.

I’ll take them on here. And I’ll put them. Down. You just said you’re going to make it.

Now I just continue putting the last few in the four corners of the iPhone here. Just remember guys be patient. Sometimes they don’t line up just right but you’ll get it done. Now what we’ll do is we’ll proceed on by putting the six screws in the sides of the wall we’ll just tighten those back down so that.

The iPhone screen is is securely in place.

Next what we’ll do is we’ll take the ringer speaker and we’ll put it in place first so that we can then after that we’ll be able to take and put the circuit board in this whole time there’s four little clips at the bottom that are at the top of the ring just because of that we need to make sure that we guide in the place. And if you just take a pic and just push down just a little bit on each side on the top of each one of them you’ll notice that it’ll slide into place and you’ll feel it slide down. Now we’ll take where we’ve put the screws on the screw mat and we’ll put screws back in their appropriate locations as we’re assembling this this this phone back together. And just a tip too. If you notice the the battery. Little thing that we’ve pools to remove the battery if you just take and put that on the 3M tape that is still the residue at the bottom. It will get to get it out of your way so that you’re not fighting with it the whole time. Next what we’ll do is we’ll take and we’ll put the circuit board back into place and this whole time you’ll see these flexes up here at the top. When they try to push those back just a hair so that we’re that we’re not fighting with them the whole time that we’re we’re putting a circuit board in before we do that. We’ve got to we’ve got to make sure that we put the vibrator back in and just notice that.

And what we’ll do is there’s some 3M tape and it will line up what we’ll do is we’ll take the screw hole of the vibrator and then the screw hole of the mid frame and we’ll just line those up and then you’ll know that it’s in place and it’ll slide just it’ll slide just in places as soon as she’s got it that the hole whole the two screws lined up here.

Broken Arrow cell phone repair  and then once that’s done we’ll we’ll be able to put the circuit board in as follows.

What you want to do as you’re putting the circuit board in is make sure that these flexes down so that you’re not tearing them or anything. But there’s a little there’s a little slot here at the top of the bedframe that you want to you’ll notice here that you’ll need to put the circuit board piece right here in. So one need to make sure that we slide that into the appropriate location.

And you’ll feel it slide in when when you’re in there when you’re in the right place.

Like so. And then we’ll take the special screws that we put in the appropriate locations on the screw mat and we’ll start putting those back into the circuit board so that we can hold that down.

We want to make sure that the bottom is not underneath this word or two.

And as you push down on the circuit board just make sure that the antenna that took to the ringer speaker is not underneath the circuit board because you’ll need to. You’ll need to place that and it’s on the antenna cap on the circuit board so that we can pull service and once you tighten that that first screw down it a hole that’s that circuit board down so that you’re not fighting with it the whole time. And they’ll notice what they’re the special screws. There’s one longer than the other in that long one. If you put it in the appropriate location on the screw mat it goes up at the top right hand corner of the circuit board. But the other two were a little bit shorter so. That’s what we’ll do is we’ll take and we’ll fasten the antenna cable.

And what we’ll have to do is have to loop that through the notches in the in the circuit board that that they’ve weaved through. And then once you get it through there you know it’ll sit down.

Broken Arrow cell phone repair Just make sure when you’re putting some of some force behind the antenna that you’re not putting too much force back there so that you’re not running the antenna but you’ll feel it when it when it slides into place. And I use a little pig just to guide it to the to the top of the circuit board where plugs into that antenna.