Night Shift

Night Shift

I’m downloading the iOS 9.3 on my iPhone 5s, and, according to the buzz, that’s the thing to do. As you probably know by now, Apple has just released the biggest update for the iOS 9 platform: It’s the iOS 9.3, which contains several new features as well as a number of fixes for bugs. Some new features include the Night Shift, which adjusts the warmth of the iPhone or iPad screen, removing most of the blue light it emits. Supposedly, this feature will help reduce eye strain.

         Night Shift can be automatically enabled each night at sundown and disabled at sunrise, but I didn’t see those options on the Night Shift settings page. According to, there is an easy fix:

  • Open the Settings app and go to Privacy
  • Tap Location Services, then scroll down and tap System Services
  • Toggle Setting Time Zone to the on position

         Go back to Settings > Display & Brightness and tap Night Shift, you’ll see sunset to sunrise as one of the schedule options. I hope this helps.